Auf der Arbeit den Drucker benutzen?
habt ihr auch mal, auf der Arbeit euer Drucker für private Zwecke genutzt?
Wurdet ihr schonmal erwischt? Darf man das eigentlich?
Danke für eure antworten :)))
habt ihr auch mal, auf der Arbeit euer Drucker für private Zwecke genutzt?
Wurdet ihr schonmal erwischt? Darf man das eigentlich?
Danke für eure antworten :)))
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hey leute ich habe eine frage, undzwar Plane ich schon seit längerem als “deutsche” in serbien auszuwandern, ich beherrsche natürlich die sprache und habe auch familie unten… das problem ist jetzt, ich weiss nicht ob ich dort auch arbeiten könnte, weil ich gehört habe dass man erst dann eine arbeit dort finden kann wenn man…
Of course you can’t.
Unless the boss expressly permitted it.
And yes, I’ve already printed some private stuff.
But since I set up the printers myself, I declare them to be a test print. To do this, I was even able to monitor the boxes that nothing foreign is printed.
“Besides making the Bock a gardener.”
it’s not your stream, your paper, your toner. So it’s theft. If not expressly allowed or for a fee, I would leave my fingers away.
If you ask kindly also the reason explains e.g. Own printer defective, this should not be a problem.
Because more than saying no is not possible.
No. The difficulties that one can get in no way. If you have a permission, of course, you don’t mind.
It is always a problem to connect a private data carrier to a company computer. You can spread such digital pests. Officially, the company doesn’t want to have one of the employees, but I don’t want to catch one from the company network.
You can’t do that without permission/agreement.
I have a printer at home, what do I need him at work? If it were interesting (A3 or larger), we would have the opportunity to pay for it.
If the boss allows, you can.
otherwise not.
also applies to private mobile phones.
You can’t do that without permission. You’re stealing several times, material and working time.
If necessary, IT is also threatened by the introduction of private data.
Don’t be allowed. This is strictly theft.
Chef ask – the least will say “no” because of a few pages.
Yes, I did
Because this is allowed by my boss, there’s nothing to get.
No, only with the consent of the employer
I’ve done it and asked before, of course, or you can sit hard in the necks.
Would you find it okay if someone unquestioned would use your printer at your home? I think you want to be asked, don’t I?
Companies are not intended for private use.
You can’t forbid the boss.
Total bullshit. In principle, theft and, if necessary, working time fraud – exactly the opposite is the case. Only with express permission.
No, the boss must allow it first.