auf bitcoin wallet geld drauf gesendet wie lange dauert es bis es bestätigt ist?

ich habe auf mein wallet etwas geld drauf gesendet ca 50€ es steht aber drauf unconfirmed

wann erhalte ich das geld ?

verliere ich das geld ?

Danke schonmal im voraus

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2 years ago

I think I’ve met somewhere of this kind of earning, but I’m not sure if it was here or on another website. But what do you want to do with it? Can you take money off your debit card? I use Bitcoins and if I want to earn crypt and cancel it, I ask you to send it directly to my card without external wallets.

3 years ago

You don’t lose it. Can take up to four hours before it is confirmed three or four times.

3 years ago

Since the Mempool is completely empty at the moment with each block, it takes an average of 10 minutes. Because a block needs about 10 minutes to get dressed.

If you need more than one confirmation, it will take longer accordingly. For example, with 6 confirmations 60 minutes.

So your transaction is over.

Here you can see the Mempool: