Audio in Höhen und Tiefen splitten?

Guten Morgen,

ich habe einen Verstärker der einen Höhen und Tiefen Input benötigt, doch wie Splitte ich das Signal meines Bluetooth-Moduls in Höhen und Tiefen?

Leider finde ich nichts Hilfreiches im Internet.

Gruss Maurycy

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2 years ago

With a high pass or low pass filter.

2 years ago
Reply to  FrageRitze

I don’t know.

2 years ago

This would only be common in boxes (Bi-Wiring, Bi-Amping).

I haven’t met with amplifiers yet.

2 years ago

What an amplifier is that and what a Bluetooth module is. That sounds very strange what you’re writing here

2 years ago
Reply to  FrageRitze

If the engineers have designed this way, it only works in conjunction with the control unit. In your case, a so-called “electrical frequency switch” would probably be required. Because somehow the signals have to be provided for tweeters and tweeters.

2 years ago

I agree. To replicate this division is extremely difficult and without certain advanced electronics skills and probably impossible. There will be no final solution. You would have to measure with what level the signals are coming from the control unit and how the signals are distributed frequency spectrum and that just as much rebuild. Get a final stage with linein (all have) and good is. Keep your boxes on the line in your bluetooth module. So ne final stage get thrown behind on ebay and co. And the cable set is also only 30Euro approx. The 12 V supply voltage may even be able to tap from the old amplifier at the supply line, have to see how much watt it has and then fetch a corresponding output stage which has no more watt than the old amplifier