Audi S3 vs Kia Stinger GT 3.3?

Guten Tag,
ich bin momentan nach der Suche nach einem Auto. Daraufhin sind mir zwei Autos bereits besonders ans Herz gewachsen: der Audi S3 und der Kia Singer GT 3.3 AWD von 2017 mit der Auspuffanlage von Bastuck. Mein Budget liegt bei ca. 37.000. Für den Preis findet man beide Autos mit ca. 36.000km und beim S3 mit 310PS und der Kia Stinger mit 370 PS.

Die Frage hierbei ist lediglich: Welches Auto ist Preis-/Leistungstechnisch (Bezogen auf Langlebigkeit, etc.) besser? Und wieso würdet Ihr euch für jenes entscheiden?

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2 years ago

These are two completely different cars.

The one compact class with 2-liter downsizing four-cylinder, the other upper middle class with thick turbo-V6 and back-toned all-wheel drive.

It doesn’t have to be long to consider which car is more emotional, especially since the equipment of the Stinger makes the S3 look very compact.

The hook at Stinger is the operating costs, which are also the upper middle class. One should not be surprised if the average consumption of a fast moving stinger is 3 liters higher than in the S3.

So before you buy a Stinger, you should seriously calculate whether you can really afford it’s maintenance costs.

2 years ago

These are different cars from different classes.

Any statement regarding a purchase advice makes no sense. Go both and think about what you want.

2 years ago

The Kia. More fun for less coal also in retrospect.

2 years ago

The Kia is 350kg heavier!!!

2 years ago

Costs fuel, handling and driving.

2 years ago

Would definitely decide for the Kia.

2 years ago

The Kia. It has full equipment and offers vlt even remaining warranty (7 years when buying new). At Audi you pay every crap extra and only have 2 years warranty.

For 37k, you could also get you an M235i or M240i even a M2 🤔

2 years ago

The Stinger, because the Audi A3 is just much smaller.