audi leasing so günstig?

hallo habe eben ein leasingangebot gefunden auf dieser seite:

ist doch schon echt günstig, ohne anzahlung nur 319€, aber wie kann das sein. woanders oder bei audi direkt wäre das niemals so günstig. und welche kosten würden da noch dazu kommen. Mit anzahlung von 8000€ sogar nur 96,77€ monatlich ist das überhaupt seriös und würde es sich lohnen🤔

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5 years ago

only 319€, but how can it be.

You shouldn’t ask that question. I leased for about 10 years after I bought 30 years almost uninterrupted vehicles. On the relevant web pages there are always super snacks. I regularly go to local traders before the conclusion of the contract and ask for similar offers. To date, they have always been significantly expensive.

Why then other traders have distinct other conditions, I cannot explain, especially since the banks of the manufacturers always appear as leasing providers.

Take a look at the small print (possibly special payments and costs for multi-kilometre) and if that’s okay for you and you don’t have any problems with parking, please feel free about the cheap offer.

5 years ago


Please remember, nobody gives you something.

Everything has its edges.

And remember, at the end, at the return, is counted.


5 years ago

Leasing is the most expensive way to get a car. Check out the offers very well. Otherwise, you’re the slack.

5 years ago
Reply to  TheAllisons

Leasing is the most expensive way to get a car.

That’s so wrong.

5 years ago
Reply to  lesterb42

There is no justification for the assertion.


5 years ago

What exactly are you doing Loss of value not understood?

The list price does not matter at all for mile leasing. We do not have to talk about residual leasing because this form combines the disadvantages of leasing and buying.

5 years ago

If you still expect the discount at the bar sale, Leasing is significantly more expensive. The list price is decisive for leasing.

5 years ago

The bill is very simple. If the loss of value of a purchased vehicle is greater than the sum of leasing rates in the same time, leasing is cheaper. If not then. The claim that leasing is always more expensive is wrong.

If the tax is outside, it must be taken into account. nothing to search.

5 years ago

You just need to count a bit

5 years ago

Yes, this is missing from the claim that leasing is the most expensive variant.