Audi A3 2018 (100.000 km) oder 3er BMW 2009 (150.000 km) Diesel?
Ich will mir ein Auto holen und zwar einen Audi A3 mit Diesel, der 5-6 Jahre alt ist und 100.000 km gelaufen hat. Alternative wäre ein 3er BMW Diesel, der 14-15 Jahre alt ist und 150.000 km gelaufen hat, würde die Hälfte kosten. Ich würde allerdings den A3 nehmen, weil er noch länger halten und weniger Reperaturkosten verursachen dürfte, sodass sich die höhere Investition meiner Meinung nach lohnt. Er wurde vermutlich auch eher Langstrecke bewegt. 2.0 TDI ist auch sehr gut hab ich mitgekriegt. Was würdet ihr machen?
Cars are like people, the older they become the more cost they cause. Therefore the younger Audi
It is difficult to judge because of the information. Of course, you’d rather recommend the Audi, but he can, even though he’s younger, still be quite downstairs. The BMW is of course the same due to the age.
I’d look at the maintenance book for the first time.
In terms of mileage, both are actually over the critical repair limit. Notwithstanding this, I’d both test. I know it’s not a valid criterion, but I’ve always had good experiences with test drives. At least I was always so that I always took the car into which I put myself in and felt at home somehow
I’m not necessarily a fan of Audi, but at this selection I would definitely prefer the younger car with less KM.
The 3s from 2009 are actually solid. Maybe even a 6-cylinder?
The A4 from 2018 have ugly headlights,
Diesel engines do not necessarily belong to the core competence of BMW, which can build better sports gasoline. There was even a diesel from the first two 5s, if yes, they would have been on lost position against the W123 diesel.
Can only tell you a reviewer. Even the younger Audi can become a moneygrab if it has been badly treated in its 100,000 kilometers.
I don’t think that’s a serious question. .
What do you want with a low-cost BMW? Audi is a golf class, I’d rather go to a C class or watch over at Honda or Toyota.