Aubildung, Bank?
Ich hab da damals schon mein Praktikum gemacht und eig hat mir das auch gut gefallen. Nur meinten die Frauen zu mir, dass sie an meiner Stelle da nicht arbeiten würden, weil man da anscheinend zu wenig Geld verdient. Aber irgendwie hat die auch einen fetten Mercedes gehabt und das hat nicht so ganz gepasst. Allgemein hat die mich voll getestet, weil ich ganz am Anfang so Kundenmappen mit Blättern, Stiften, Visitenkarten ausstatten musste. Sie hat zwei vorgemacht und bei der einen Mappen hat sie 1 Blatt zu wenig reingelegt, ist mir da aber nicht aufgefallen. Dann waren die Mappen natürlich alle voll, aber es war ein Blatt übrig. Ich hab schon so Schweißausbrüche gekriegt 💀 Dann bin ich halt alle Mappen durch und bei der letzten (die sie vorgemacht hatte) hat dieses Blatt gefehlt und die hat mich dabei ganz genau beobachtet, wahrscheinlich wollte sie sehen, ob ich etwas sagen würde. Am Ende war ich ihr doch sympathisch und durfte sogar in ihrem geilen Auto mitfahren. Boah die hatte so ein gutes 😭 Dann meinte zu mir ein Mädchen, welches da ihre Ausbildung gemacht hat, dass sie es mir nicht empfehlen kann, weil es schwer ist und man immer die „Drecksarbeit“ machen muss. (Heule)
Aber die Männer haben sich voll gefreut und meinten das wäre schön, weil das so ein männerdominanter Beruf wäre. Aber ganz ehrlich da gabs auch so ein arroganter Mann, der sah maybe schon gut aus, aber der hat sich so als der Chef aufgespielt und wirklich alle haben das getan was er wollte. Obwohl er nichts besonderes war. Er war nicht mal der Chef, sondern halt ein stinknormaler Mitarbeiter.
Ich hab eig gutes Feedback bekommen und die waren alle so lieb, die meinten sie würden mich freuen, wenn ich bei ihnen die Ausbildung mache und dass ich da gut reinpassen würde.
Würdet ihr da anfangen?
You really didn’t mention anything about the job banking business, so let’s get an overview:
The notes no longer seem to be sooo important. It’s not 4 or something. But otherwise it is important to be able to express you well and to argue well. Perhaps one must also present something, there is a little time before to spread in the short term. It is important that you can convince someone of you, because the banker is a sales job where you have to sell something every day, because you are paid for it. The job is nothing for the one who can’t hold the sales pressure.
Typical activities in the bank are:
· Payment transactions, A – Payouts, Wire Transfers, Durational orders, Direct debits, cheques, credit cards.
· Account management
· Investment
· Loans and construction financing.
· Operation and care of private customers.
· Operation and support of the high-end rich clientele so Private Wealth Management.
· Operation and supervision of the company’s customers
· Investment Banking
· Asset management
· Fund management and management
· Compliance
· Accounting
· Foreign Department
· Foreign exchange and foreign exchange.
· Controlling.
· Organisational department
· Legal department
· Personal department
· Training department
What department and activity can you imagine and why?
From cars, you shouldn’t focus on income.
You never know if they have not inherited richly or if necessary have a well-earning partner and the car is coming. Maybe a car, depending on the position and job. Or if they have an old Schrotkarre, whether cars are simply not important to them and they prefer to spend the money for other things or really have no money.
My salary goes too much in travel, I don’t care about cars.
Here is an old answer from me on the subject of salaries in the bank:
To the coats: Maybe it was a test of how you reap and if you say something, maybe not. She bears responsibility for the task and therefore also for your mistakes, maybe she just watched you to see if you do it properly and when you are done.
On the subject of “doing dirty work”: Yes, it makes the most discerning person and therefore classic azubis or fresh leasing. It is up to oneself to develop further, to talk with the leadership and gradually get more responsibility that the dirt works gradually go to newer ones as soon as they come. Honestly, it is about packing 1,000 letters bluntly, why an experienced person pays the 4,000€ and has more important on the table, if that can also make the professional starter who only earns 3,000€, that is the most sensible solution from economy. It is only important to do other tasks, also to actively request that if you get new ones more dirty tasks and you get less and less. Some expect to have the same rank as others from the beginning, or after 6 months, another should do the lichen tasks, but if necessary, only after a year (next year of apprenticeship completed) who takes it. Or if all places of the branch are fully, if necessary. also only in a few years someone and you have to build more experience in addition to the lichen tasks to share them with others at the same level.
Many diligence work has now also disappeared through digitization. In the past, new series of days had to spend in the archive and process into the customer files, today this is done with 5 clicks in the electronic file. But such works belonged to the job.
You can find arrogant people everywhere, unobstructed by the profession.
Some are really arrogant, others only look like that at first glance.
Just because he was a normal co-offerer doesn’t mean he doesn’t. but has more to say and, for example, is the successor of the boss or has very much experience and deep knowledge in the field.
If my boss isn’t here, I’m the one who represents him. Not officially, but that was just so out of the team, so my colleagues will come to me and his boss will answer questions. I also formally am just a normal senior employee, like several others and significantly younger than the other senior colleagues. So, for the outermost look, it may seem strange at first glance when I tell them what to do.
You should depend on whether you liked the job.
And even as a banker, you have jobs that lie to you and which do not. I have loved the capital market for years, but there are fewer women than the rest, while normal private customer advice would be nothing for me.
Whether few women have to scare you, you have to know that (w,29) has never stopped me. On the contrary, I try to be a good example for others, take me for Azubis and Dualis time to trust more.