Au Pair Organisation, activeabroad oder MultiKultur?
Hey:) Ich würde gerne ein Au Pair Jahr machen und muss mich jetzt noch zwischen diesen beiden Organisationen entscheiden. Da beide den gleichen Service bieten, hat jemand mit einer der beiden schon Erfahrung gemacht?
an Au Pair year is a good idea. The selection of the agency is an important point. For your questions:
(1) Experiences. On this page you will hardly ask successfully. In addition, experience reports will not help you in general: everyone makes this trip only once and cannot compare.
2) activeabroad and MultiKultur are among the recognized reputable providers that are further active. However, there are a number of other recommended providers.
3) In any case, the Au Pair year is a larger project. To Procedure: You should prepare it systematically. There are
Best regards
A friend of mine did not have so good experience at actriveabroad. I have not heard any good or bad about multiculture. These are completely unknown to me. 😀
I and my brunch were with the King Au Pair agency. There we liked the Au Pair free weekend training in Germany especially well.
Best regards