Atmungstätigkeit von Katoffelblättern?

In dem Versuch wird die Atmungstätigkeit von Kartoffelpflanzen untersucht. Es geht um die Angepasstheit an den abiotischen Umweltfaktor Temperatur. Bei einem Temperatuanstieg bis 50 grad steigt die Zellatmung, aber bei mehr als 50 grad sinkt die Zellatmung, was auf die Denaturierung zurückzuführen ist.

Alle Stoffwechselprozesse innerhalb von Lebewesen sind von der Temperatur abhängig.

Am stoffwechselprozess sind ja Enzyme beteiligt und diese denatuieren bei 50° C.

Ist dies richtig? Ist bei 50 Grad wirklich die Denaturierung abgebildet?

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2 years ago

Not all enzymes denaturate at 50° C. Thermophilic microorganisms that live in almost 100 °C hot sources would be pretty ass if their proteins were already germinating at 50 °C.

For your attempt, however, the assumption is conclusive. You can formulate this as a justification.

Another reason could also be that at temperatures above 50° C. the plant closes its gaps in order to save water. A gas exchange is then no longer possible with closed gap openings.

2 years ago

In general, it is difficult to say, since it also depends on the structure and nature of the proteins when these denaturing. Longer, solid bound denaturing earlier than proteins which are, for example, surrounded by water in a vacuole and are short-chained.

In your case, however, it is probably due to the denaturation, which thus affects the metabolism. In order that no more thermal energy is released, some plants already reduce their metabolism from a certain threshold temperature.