Atemnot/Angst bei schwüler Luft?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich habe da etwas was mich belastet. Und zwar habe ich große Probleme mit schwüler Luft. Durch die veränderte Luft habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich schlecht Luft bekomme und bekomme manchnal auch Panik davor, zu ersticken. Was meint ihr dazu?
LG Lars
I know more and more often in periods. That’s why you should have a medical examination instead of refuse to go to the Doc.
Was with lung doctor and cardiologist thought everything is good
How long has it been back since the last assessment?
A very unnecessary answer. Get off the ground
How bad?
Oha…and how old are you?
3 weeks
As long as you can ask here, you still have enough strength and energy.
From me, ask questions that distract you from a panic attack….
You don’t happen to me because of sultry air and the feeling (!) lack of oxygen. Drink water, please. It helps.