Atarax Filmtabletten 25mg?
Ich habe grad ein kleines Dilemma.
Hab vor kurzen Atarax (Hydroxyzindihydrochlorid) verschrieben bekommen auf Grund von Angstzuständen und schweren Panikattacken.
Hätte vorhin die erste genommen und ich hab leider massive Probleme mit dem schlucken von Tabletten.
Obwohl ich eh erstmal mit nur einer halben Tablette beginne wollte sie einfach nicht runter gehen.
Ich hab es so Krampfhaft probiert und immer wieder nachgetrunken bis sich die Tablette eigentlich schon fast zur Gänze im Mund bzw Rachen aufgelöst hat🙄
Ich weiß jetzt grad nicht wirklich was ich tun soll?
Ich frage mich jetzt ob die überhaupt wirken wird/kann weil der Wirkstoff jetzt ja von der Mundschleimhaut aufgenommen wurde anstelle vom Magen?
Bzw. kann das auch bedenklich sein wenn sich die Tablette im Mund statt Magen aufgelöst hat?
Sollte ich jetzt eine weitere halbe nehmen und diesmal zermörsen oder die vorgesehenen 6 Stunden bis zur nächsten Einnahme warten?
Hätte Sie übrigens gleich zermörsern sollen dachte aber das schaff ich da die Tabletten ja recht klein sind aber Fehlanzeige.
Freue mich auf jede Antwort.
Bin grad extrem verunsichert.
Atarax contains the active ingredient hydroxyzine and is a drug from the group of H1 antihistamines which is approved for the treatment of itching and anxiety disorders. It also has a sleep-promoting effect.
Atarax (hydroxyzin) is not retarded. The tablet can thus be readily cleaved, divided or powdered. Hydroxyzine is water-soluble and can thus be absorbed both by the mouth and the stomach skins. Which mucous membranes take up hydroxyzine is in principle no matter if the correct dose is consumed.
In principle, hydroxyzine is rarely used today in anxiety disorders. The only medicines which act on the rapid anxious are benzodiazepines (e.g. alprazolam or lorazepam). They are highly effective, have close to no side effects (exclusive fatigue), however make it difficult to rely on when used too frequently.
Antidepressants from the SSRI and SNRI group (e.g. Citalopram, Sertralin, Venlafaxin, etc.) are considered to be the means of choice for long-term drug treatment of anxiety disorders. These also act relatively reliably, but do not depend. For this they have other disadvantages: antidepressants must be taken daily, only after 2-5 weeks and can have numerous side effects before all at the beginning of the treatment.
Hello, Sam.
Thank you for your detailed answer.
I was recently in the emergency room due to a heavy panic attack with a max. Heart rate of 205bpm.
I also got psychopax drops (diazepam) that worked fast with me.
I think they’re benzodiazepines too?
It was only the first hour after taking something, but then I was fine.
Then I wanted to have these drops written by the neurologist/psychater.
Unfortunately, he didn’t want to make this hard dependent on the justification.
I got Sertralin and I got Atarax as an emergency medication.
With the antidepressant I’m still a little insecure because I’m kind of afraid of such a drug.
Fear of being change z.b or strong side effects that would in turn trigger a PA with me.
Anyway, thank you for your answer
Psychopax contains the active ingredient diazepam and is a drug from the group of benzodiazepines… correct. It is also correct that all benzodiazepines (incl. diazepam/psychopax) are difficult to depend on when used too frequently. For this reason, they are usually used only in spots (i.e. in absolute emergencies) and this only until another non-testing drug acts.
Such a non-extending drug is, for example, sertralin. Sertralin is an antidepressant from the group of the SSRI with a (usually) good anxious effect. The drug must be taken daily and can cause certain side effects especially at the beginning of the treatment. However, material changes do not belong to it. Sleep disorders, dizziness, nausea, headaches and diarrhea are most common (more than 10% of all consumers affected). Followed by numerous other potential side effects, however, which occur somewhat less frequently. Most side effects disappear after a few weeks. Only a few remain – if they are affected – for the duration of the whole treatment. In SSRI antidepressants such as sertralin, these are primarily the sexual functional disorders typical of this drug group. An anxious effect results in sertralin after about 2-5 weeks.
Personally, I’ve been suffering from serious panic attacks since I was 17. At the beginning I got Lorazepam prescribed. A benzodiazepine. But I only took it in absolute emergencies. At the same time, I started a treatment with sertralin. At the beginning I had several side effects to complain (sleep disorders, nervousness, internal disorder, bleeding from the digestive tract etc.). After about 4 weeks, sertralin was anxious and the side effects disappeared gradually.
With this bottle trick, some users have already been able to swallow their tablets without problems, try this.
The crumbling with the crumbs is not the means of choice, so you can still swallow yourself.
If you can’t swallow the tablet, ask the doctor after another active substance, which is also available for your problems, in the form of a tablet that you dissolve under the tongue, it works within a short time.
Good improvement for you.
The tablet bottle trick
For swallowing larger tablets we need a small, flexible bottle, best a thin-walled 0.5-liter PET bottle. It is important that we can completely enclose the bottle opening, not too small, with the lips and gives the bottle, we can almost suck out and squeeze out the water. Here we go:
1. Put the tablet on the tongue.
Two. Put lips around the bottle opening, suck big swallow from the bottle and swallow immediately.
3. Head may be slightly inclined to the rear when swallowing.
For each drug use, it applies: nightrinks – a whole glass of still water or tap water should it be. In the case of coffee, milk and juices, interactions with some medicines can occur, therefore better after direct consumption only after drinking water.
With this bottle trick, some users have already been able to swallow their tablets without problems, try this.
The crumbling with the crumbs is not the means of choice, so you can still swallow yourself.
If you can’t swallow the tablet, ask the doctor after another active substance, which is also available for your problems, in the form of a tablet that you dissolve under the tongue, it works within a short time.
Good improvement for you.
Hello..the tablet will dissolve Not yet take one.That many have swallowed with tablets.
I would ask in the pharmacy whether the tablet is suitable.
Lg Sky 🌈
Hello Sky, thanks for your quick answer. So you mean that the active ingredient gets into the blood normally though I couldn’t swallow it? So don’t really kill. I was only told yesterday in the pharmacy I can crush them in the case of cases with a spoon in a glass and then swallow them with water, “balls”.
Yeah, it’s coming.Drink a lot and rinse with the water in the mouth and swallow.
Don’t worry about it. You didn’t spit out anything, so the active ingredient gets in your stomach.
Don’t focus on it anymore that wouldn’t be good
All the best
As a protipp, the tablet in the mouth take a swallow water and bend the head forward to swallow, so it goes down to 100%.