Asus h81m p ecc ram?
Ich habe in meinem wie oben genannten Mainboard einen Intel Xeon E3 1220 V3 verbaut und ich habe noch zwei 8 GB DDR3 ECC RAM-Module rumliegen, die auch erkannt werden, aber nicht benutzt werden. Hat jemand eine Ahnung, woran das liegen könnte?
Probably because they’re not from the same series. Otherwise, maybe because they’re not in the right slots.
The sticks are of the same model and also have only 2 ram slots it might be due to the ecc r module?
Could be theoretical.
Of course, there are still many things to do, e.g. the BIOS. Have you done a setting to the maximum memory? If so, you can take it back. Otherwise, test each RAM bolt individually and see what the BIOS says.
Unfortunately not. I used to upload a picture. or-false-bios-settings.1734015/
Maybe that’s what you’re looking for.
No, I didn’t. They are recognized in the BIOS, but they cannot use it.