Hey Leute,
leider leide ich seit knapp 4 Monaten unter Angstzustände ind Schlafproblemen . Hat Jemand Erfahrung mit Ashwaghanda bei Angstzuständen?
Hey Leute,
leider leide ich seit knapp 4 Monaten unter Angstzustände ind Schlafproblemen . Hat Jemand Erfahrung mit Ashwaghanda bei Angstzuständen?
Ich habebin meinem Badezkmmer einen Schrank stehen, dessen Verschluss so eine kleine Kugel aus Blei beinhaltet. Wenn ich den Schrank öffnen, berühre ich diese häufig. Ich habe mir den Verschluss noch nie so genau angesehen und erst neulich gemerkt, dass es sich dabei um Blei handelt. Dementsprechend habe ich mir nach dem Öffnen und schließen…
Wer von euch macht das oder kennt das?
Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen ob ich Kartoffeln jetzt schon schälen und schneiden kann wenn ich sie erst Morgen Abend zubereiten werde? Muss ich sie nach dem schälen irgendwo aufbewahren oder so damit sie nicht braun werden?
Hey, ich hab immer wieder schmerzen am Fuß und wollte jetzt mal fragen, ob irgendjemand das gleiche oder das ähnliche schon mal hatte. Kurz zur Vorgeschichte: Ich bin in der Grundschule beim Roller fahren mal umgeknickt und der rechte Knöchel ist total angeschwollen. Ich bin daraufhin natürlich sofort mit meinen Eltern ins Krankenhaus. Ich wurde…
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You can try it, because it is not a harm to expect. At least if your liver is healthy.
Scientifically, a positive effect on sleep could not be demonstrated, as a recent study of December 2024 revealed:
Further positive effects are also not demonstrated. For this, however, a lot of complaints are made and further spread with corresponding esoteric attitude.
Most of the anxiety states are causes. The process is a step to the solution, but that is of course exhausting. Psychotherapeutic support is likely to help more and its effect has been scientifically proven.
Nevertheless: In healthy liver (see a current blood count or ask your doctor) a self-test with Ashwaghanda is harmless. If it helps you, it would be great, even if it were just autouggestion or placebo action.
However, the cause of anxiety is not eliminated, but you can work better on it.
I take Ashwaganda occasionally, but I can sleep like that. It certainly also works sleep-promoting.
However, I would like to recommend you glycine, a simple amino acid (=protein, protein component) with a sleep-promoting effect when you take it. Glycin has helped a good friend after long years to finally sleep again.
This amino acid can be a lot: in addition to the sleeping effect, it helps e.g. also against fear and panic attacks. It also helps to build muscles and promotes stamina.
There is no upper limit in the dosage, simply dissolve 1 teaspoon in water and drink. Glycine can also be used instead of sugar because it tastes sweet. (Sirderberries, which I once sweetened with it, were nicely carried out the next morning, without too much as sugar would have done – for I had forgotten to put them in the fridge ^^^ !)
I buy it loose, there is glycine but also in capsules.
From my friend there were only cheering news: ENDLICH was able to sleep like a baby and was not awake at night!
Here a source and read more.
Here is an overviewwhere the food contains glycine.
I say to myself: if you pay attention to the correct composition of the food and leave no gap, you can remain relatively healthy. It is good, however, if one knows and interprets deficiency symptoms. The book of Werner Winkler: ‘Hunger is healthy. Thus the body signals its mineral and vitamin requirements‘
It’d be nice if you could tell if it helped you. ECT
I thank you very much for the detailed answer😊I will definitely try it and then report to you😊
you may recommend one of a specific provider
Did I link, under Source s.o., but look in the net, just there Offers. (The blue words are links) 🙂
But I would also like to thank you for a question, you have written, you have sweetened strawberries.
I’ve been looking for a sugar substitute for a long time, you could use it for it and if it had a sleeping effect, it would be a wonderful side-effect.
So instead of sugar in coffee glycine?
How is the sweetness in comparison to sugar?
Glycine sweetens slightly weaker, but very pleasant for it (other than stevia I find disgusting). By the way, it also has E number: E640.
But where you ask: with birch sugar (xylit) you also sweeten sugar-free.
There is also a beautiful side effect: for caries prophylaxis one takes 1 spoon full of xylit after brushing the teeth in the mouth. Then everything moves back and forth and pulls the liquid through the teeth. Then you do it away. Since it is not a sugar, caries bacteria unfortunately have no food and die. Also in the intestine of the Candida plant: it needs sugar as a food.
I’ll be happy if it helps you!
All right, I didn’t put anything on it, I just wanted to explain why I’d probably forget it.
“I shouldn’t have questioned either 😊👍
Then I earned the downvote. I’m sorry for the many explanations that have burdened you even more – especially since you’re not the FS..
It is not less important to me that I only have to fight with a difficult life situation at the moment and in this it is a little harder to keep my thoughts together.
As you want. Only that both have different modes of action – of xylit you do not sleep, only of glycine.
It’s not bad if you need a feedback less important. I still liked to give you that extra answer.
So if I think about it, then I do it, but without a bad intention, so I fear that I will forget it
But birch sugar I’ll leave out anyway, I’d like to try the glycine first.
Actually, I don’t like so much sweetened anyway, probably because today almost everything is full of sugar and you don’t get anything that can be paid halfway and not stuffed up with sugar.
Except my coffee the one I drink in the morning, it must be sweet 😂🙈
Great, I’m very happy if my answer also helps you! Do you tell me how it developed? 🙂
Birch sugar is also available at discounters. 🙂
Thank you very much for the information, so I’ll get it.
Honestly, I try to get away from refined sugar, I think the stuff is poison, so that would be a nice alternative 👍😊
Thank you