Ärztliche Entschuldigung Schule?


meine Lehrerin schrieb mir heute, dass mein ärztliches Attest unwirksam sei da ich es ihr zukommen lassen habe und nicht meine Mutter ihr.

wieso macht die Lehrer so ein Theater ?
das Attest bleibt das selbe auch wenn meine Mutter ihr das schickt.

oder habe ich nicht recht ?

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3 months ago

Possibly, the teacher has concerns that your mother knows about the Attest, and wants to ensure this on this path. Of course, the attest remains the same, but some doctors expose these bills quite freely.

3 months ago

https://www.school Ministry.nrw/participation-am-and-residence-of-school“

It actually means that the teacher has doubts about the authenticity of the attest. You may have missed it before.

Send the attest of the school line.

3 months ago

The attest is valid by the doctor and absolutely (as long as it is real). After my understanding of the law, even if the mother knows nothing about it. Depending on how old you are, you don’t have to reveal any medical details to your mother.

3 months ago
Reply to  Time839

Then she’s supposed to excuse you “normal”, but that’s not what the Attest has to do.

3 months ago

my teacher wrote to me today that my medical certificate is ineffective as I have let it come to her and not my mother to her.

Humbug – the school has to accept a medical certificate, whether submitted by the student or his parents.

forward the teacher’s message to the school board and ask for an opinion.

3 months ago
Reply to  Time839

There is certainly no need for paragraphs, but only for “one cent” common sense.

3 months ago

Once again – Humbug – a medical certificate has a higher value than a parental apology. In addition, a teen can also be written against the will of parents by a doctor incapable of teaching.