Ärzte veraltetes Wissen?
Bodypositivity Aktivisten im Netz reden immer wieder darüber dass man bei Ärzten wenn die davon Sprechen dass das Übergewicht das man hat ungesund ist. Also langfristig zu gesundheitlichen Schäden führen kann und deshalb der Patient auf ein niedrigeres Gewicht reduzieren sollte um dem vorzubeugen – das doch „veraltetes Wissen sei“
Doch was meinem die mit „veraltetes Wissen“?
Hey, TJDettweiler,
of these statements, I honestly think relatively little. It is demonstrated by sufficient studies that overweight has a negative influence on the physical condition in the course of life. There are 10 diseases that can be caused by overweight.
Of course, every person may have his own opinion, but one should strongly differentiate between evidence-based facts and opinions.
It is not outdated knowledge but “old” knowledge, since it is now evident for a long time that an increased weight and the associated stress are harmful to the body. This is about increased cholesterol levels in the blood to cardiovascular fluctuations, high blood pressure, increased risk for diabetes, etc.
With “old knowledge” they want to legitimize that they are overweight. Being overweight is nothing miserable, however, one should not take the issue with health on the easy shoulder, as it has already been proven very long that an excessive body fat content is unhealthy.
I bIn diabetics (DMT1) and diabetics like me do not meet this.
Therefore, it would be nice to name the type of diabetes (2), thank you. LG 🙋🏻
Of course, type II but I didn’t mention all heart diseases and also not the stages of hypertension – for an overview enough…
But to the same extent, it is about heart diseases as predominant as about diabetes (this is an analogy)
I am totally unbiased about illnesses and the anamnese shows where the problems come from and I also ask for every patient’s pension if a patient has diabetes which type of problems can arise between the types (hyperosmolares dehydration syndrome type 2, ketoacidosis type 1…) but 90% is type 2…
Oh, now you’re making fun of yourself and getting cynical.
Och… 3 letters + 1 number would have been enough.
Oh, man… went to heart diseases and isn’t it?
If you, or your illness, are constantly thrown into a pot with another disease – and that would permanently annoy you because you would have to fight against prejudices on the ongoing band – would you also take the subject personally… or not?
And there are 128 heart diseases (no idea but there are many) – and many of them do not pose a risk to obesity – so the predominant is sufficient!
I know there are 12 types of diabetes – but I didn’t know you were taking the thema so personally – mannomann… I am now officially apologising to everyone out there who suffers from a heart disease that is not linked to obesity, all diabetics, all normal weighty hypertonics, etc… Sry that I’ve been using superconcepts for simplicity and no 100 sinceife’s scientific paper made out
You wrote that by increasing weight there was a risk for “diabetes”.
That’s right notbecause 12 completely
various diabetes diseases
there. And on 11 of these diseases
your statement is not true.
Analogously to your execution that I should have mentioned Type2 I only used the preamble as in heart diseases I didn’t call any more what heart diseases… So the predominant is enough – especially since the answers should remain understandable…
I’m not talking about heart diseases all the time.
In the heart diseases there are also those which are not increased at risk in obesity – for an overview everything is sufficient… And if the case will notice that it is type II
You wrote:
This is not correct, as among other things an increased weight also an increased risk for
Type 2 diabetes, but NOT for type 1 diabetes.
Under the Description “Diabetes” you throw these two different diseases into a pot.
Knowledge that contradicts your own views. It therefore serves primarily to legitimize your own views.
The fact that ill overweight is a risk factor for numerous diseases is more than adequately proven.
Such a thing is a nice example of how actionism – which can be quite sensible in itself – twists facts and overshots into the absurd.
Activists are not interested in facts but only in what they want to enforce.
Fact is, ill overweight is unhealthy.
No, this is not an obsolete knowledge but a fact
If you weigh two pounds too much, that’s not a sick obesity. Obesity is divided into several degrees. The worst stage is called obesity permagna. Disorderly obesity leads to metabolic disorders in very many people, e.g. diabetes melitus, type 2, diseases of the cardiovascular system, e.g. hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc. People with ill obesity have a high risk of disease.
Hm, I know a woman. This wears garment size 48 with a body size of 1.66 and has type 2 diabetes which has enormous influence on their eyes or vision.
When should doctors be allowed to respond to their patients’ weight and when not?
Not diabetes in itself makes such diabetes fatalities, but long-lasting, too high blood sugar levels.
Therefore, each diabetic should ensure good blood sugar levels even with the right diet, normal weight and a lot of exercise.
A doctor may always appeal to a patient on his weight, be it over or underweight, but it requires sensitivity. In obesity, approximately from degree 1, because there is already a risk of secondary diseases at this level.
Yes, and I think it’s enormously hard if you ever have type 2 diabetes to suffer any consequential damage. Of course, the one more and the others less. But the main problem is to get diabetes 2 at all.
No, I didn’t write that.
Long-lasting to high BZ values
do not lead to type 2 diabetes,
but to diabetes Damage.
is already clear that long-lasting sugar levels can lead to diabetes 2 . This naturally depends on the general nutritional behaviour of the data subject.
You/you even use the word “can.” So it means canning but doesn’t have to. What does not mean that it will be so with almost 100% security.
That’s true, of course. As well as smoking
The survival of adipous cancer patients is somewhat longer than normal weight, it is also the only reason to apply a few more fat deposits.
Diabetes mellitus type 2, fat metabolism (e.g. hypertriglyzeridemia), fat liver and reflux disease (sodburns or the like), diseases of the gall bladder, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, sleep apnoe syndrome, gout and gallstones, joint diseases (e.g. coxarthrose), asthma, hormone disorders
A couple of counter-arguments for a couple of “Fettkissen” 🙂
Read my answer again so you understand what I mean.
What else is all about diseases….
This means that there are now more recent findings.
For example, the teachings of Sigmund Freud are now considered obsolete.
What are the new findings?
How do I know?
That’s what you need to ask those questions that talk about it.
Your statement was that the lady says that there is just as scientific evidence that overweight is not unhealthy as there are scientific evidence that overweight is unhealthy, right.
The fact that every person can get sick is self-explanatory that the likelihood of getting certain secondary diseases if one is overweight should not be contested. What is the case with underweight.
30 kilos of underweight and everyone is clear that the condition is alarming. 30 kilos of overweight “please say that is not unhealthy. ‘
Yes, of course, you have to decide that it doesn’t have to be dangerous even at 30 kilos underweight. Because there are also opposite findings for these findings. To get fairness into the thing.
It’s about what the activists mean with “old knowledge”.
And that means that there are more recent findings.
How many more?
I would suggest you read my question again and the question text completely. Then you can tell me again whether or not it’s about bodypositivity activists.
I asked the question you asked.
I couldn’t know that you wanted to ask something completely different.
And I know you’re not on my question. Something to answer
Anyway, you know what she means.
At the very beginning of my question, it’s about the bodypositivity activists on the net, no one else.
Well, then your question (which you have never formulated so much – just not with reference to this activist) is answered and you are now a little smarter.
By the way: a very good idea to take the information from those who made this statement!
Yes. Looking at what she says in her Instagram. She’s an activist. This takes place on social media.
Not with certainty.
The lady seemed rather insecure at this point.
Unfortunately, the subject was not deepened, but strangled.
Thanks to the moderator, we will never find out what the lady could have got.
So that there is also evidence that overweight is not harmful.
I have asked for them here, and it cannot be that only this lady knows these insights which, according to this statement, are certain and no other
In the video there is exactly one scene where the doctor says that overweight is proven to be harmful.
This is what the woman says, that there are probably other findings.
And before the discussion can be deepened, the moderator strangles and it is a completely different subject.
The statement doctors you have claimed are not likely to raise any concerns about overweight in the video.
So you didn’t look at the videos? Then this whole discussion is here for the ton. Because you obviously don’t have the insight into the bodypositive movement and their activists.
This isn’t a point
I don’t know now. The video is old. I do not notice any dialogue for several months.
And what did you tell the lady about doctor visits to your own family doctor?
They’re not allowed to talk.
The whole format is perfect for the ton. Not only on this subject.
That the doctor who is in the video is trying to come to word and is constantly attacked, have you already registered?
I know the ZDF video.
This statement:
It’s not being hit.
You interpret something in there.
(For the other video, it’s probably the same.)
Apart from that, there is nothing in your question!
You still haven’t understood my question and you haven’t seen the videos I linked.
It is about the fact that the treated doctor must not tell his patient that, according to the activists, his body weight is alarming or worrying. This is discriminatory from the viewpoint of the activists.
So what?
Are they all saying that JEDES’s overweight in JEDER’s situation is totally bad?
Or do they say that a certain overweight can even be good in certain situations?
In answer to what question?
Is there:
They all speak of weight reduction
There are certainly some obesity doctors and any scientists who research the various aspects of overweight.
What do you think these experts are of profession to call themselves experts?
Treatment catalogs are never on the latest state of research.
Maybe nobody told you that.
And no: even general practitioners do not know each other well in all areas. That’s why there are experts.
I don’t know if you’ve already said this, but doctors usually follow a treatment catalog. Similar to psychologists to the ICD
and that’s not really a subject you’re dealing with. The general practitioner knows the best
If there are new findings that meet the consensus of scientists and medical professionals, the medical profession would know about it. Just like scientists.