Arzt sagt nichts zu Übergewicht?
Ich war heute beim Arzt zur Routineuntersuchung. Vorher hatte ich mir einige Gedanken gemacht, weil ich aufgrund von einem Beinbruch und auch Faulheit 12kg zugenommen habe. Ich sollte mich heute natürlich auch oben rum frei machen und mein Arzt hat mich abgetastet.
Allerdings kam keine Belehrung und noch nicht mal eine Bemerkung zu meinem Übergewicht. Bin 16, 1,82m und wiege 99kg.
Versteht ihr das?
Your weight is now the average for boys of your age. So your weight will not have surprised Him, and you do not have so much overweight, would not be tragic if it would become more. The doctor just leaves people alone.
Nice to meet you.
I look so
Is that really such a big standard?
On average, about 50% of people are overweight (45% of women & 60% of men). I have often heard that even general physicians do not intervene early and only when it is too late and already there are secondary diseases arrive with “yes, you just weigh too much”. Of course not all.
According to my calculation, your BMI is at 29.8 from 25.
In my opinion, your doctor should have talked to you about healthy balanced diet and also sports activity, even because you are still underage.
But since you have at least the self-inspection: Try Now to change something, because the harder the more difficult the Kilos to get rid of.
Last but not least, the doctor was able to study that I could do a training. I had to pull out my sweater. I pulled my belly in and he said no. Was asked for size and weight 90 kg (are in real 93) and 177 cm and 15 years
why this was so in your case, I can’t tell you, but when I (bring too much to the scale) talked to my doctor about my overweight years ago, I only asked what measures he was carrying for himself against his overweight, he could certainly give me good tips, the subject for him was done for all times to me.
My doctor doesn’t always say anything. Maybe he didn’t say anything because you’re still in a healthy area and have to grow at 16 years
Nowadays it’s completely normal, most guys up to 25 have a small or larger belly. I meanwhile, it’s not bad and fine.
Many are overweight. Maybe he gave up.
They always tell me what
I was also surprised
Let life and live.