Arzt nennt Vagina Frosch?
Ich wat letztens bei meinem normalen Hausarzt weil ich dachte ich hätte eine Blasenentzündung.Hab Urinprobe gemacht aber war negativ also habe keine.Dann meinte er das es wahrscheinlich eine Infektion wäre und hat mich gefragt ob ich meinen Frosch da unten mit Duschgel wasche.Wie finde ihr das wenn man Arzt zur Vagina Frosch sagt?
this is inappropriate and disrespectful… a doctor should use a professional language and treat the patient with respect without using degrading or inappropriate denominations… such commentaries can cause an unpleasant feeling and the feeling of injury… if you feel uncomfortable, it would be good to appeal or, if necessary, to change the doctor…
I find something like that to an 18-year-old, but not scandalous! Are you sure you didn’t interrogate?
By the way, it was about the Vulva. Because the vagina washes I don’t think anyone with shower gel.
Hopefully the Vulva doesn’t…
Yes, of course!
A doctor should know that a vagina is called vagina.
A doctor should know that the vagina is the inner part and is called the outer vulva. Just noticed by the way.
I don’t think it’s really dramatic now.
Oh, yeah. I don’t think it’s bad now.
For a doctor extremely unprofessional and declining. Find another one.
Does that mean something?
I wouldn’t let that happen. This is highly unprofessional and devalued!