Arzt hat viele Rechtschreibfehler?

War gerade in der Notfallklinik im Krankenhaus im Kontext zu meiner letzten Frage und alles war gut. Aber jetzt habe ich so ein Zettel mit einem Bericht von der Ärztin bekommen und dort sind sehr viele Rechtschreibfehler drin.

Hat das was zu heißen oder?

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6 months ago

Doctors were previously infamous for their bad language skills and this has not become better by the many foreigners. You have to be happy now if the doctor understands English at least halfway in the ambulance.
That doesn’t mean it’s bad doctors. One understands them very badly and must pay great attention to regulations that there is no misinterpretation.

6 months ago

I don’t think so. That doesn’t necessarily have to say anything about the expertise, I think.

But I had something like that. After a hospital stay got a doctor’s letter full of spelling errors and grammar errors. So really worse German than a basic student (a lot worse). I was also surprised at the time that you get a job as a doctor with the German in Germany.

I think that comes because German doctors are more likely to emigrate, because of poor pay and bad working conditions, and then they are forced to introduce foreign doctors who are not as great as German.

6 months ago


does not mean anything.

More and more foreign doctors work in Germany and some have problems with the language. This begins with the spoken language, why shouldn’t it also concern the spelling.

It is also not said that the doctor wrote the report himself. With my uncle, for example, that makes the MFAs and since the latest, there is even a computer program that can be dictated by reports. Not every person is a spelling ass and probably the PC program is also susceptible to errors.

6 months ago

Not everyone is a spelling occupant…

Not every skill is important for every profession. A tailor does not have to speak several languages, a German teacher does not need a special spatial imagination and a doctor does not have to have excellent spelling skills. You can still be good in your profession.

6 months ago

It doesn’t matter.

6 months ago

They did not write the reports themselves but only dictate them.

6 months ago

Except the spelling error inside, nothing is special.

6 months ago

After all, you can read his writing