Ich wollte mal von euch wissen ob euch so etwas oder ähnliches bei EBAY schon mal passiert ist.Also ich habe auf einen Artikel geboten und ihn auch ersteigert.So weit so gut ich war happy-doch kurz darauf kam von der Verkäuferin eine Nachricht das die den Kauf abbricht.Erstmal hab ich dumm geschaut und dachte das ist ein Fehler denn in der Begründung stand das es den Artikel nicht mehr gäbe oder er beschädigt sei-warum stellt die denn dann den Artikel überhaupt ein hab ich mir gedacht und sie angeschrieben und nachgefragt.Und sie hat mir wortwörtlich geschrieben “WEIL ICH DIE SCHUHE NICHT MEHR VERKAUFEN WILL”-ich hatte ihn aber schon gekauft!!!war ihr egal ich denke die hat von irgendjemand außerhalb mehr Geld geboten bekommen.Ist das eigentlich rechtens???Weil wenn man Sachen schon ersteigert hat dann sollte das doch gelten. Wer hat das auch schon erlebt und wie habt ihr darauf reagiert bzw.was macht Ebay in so einer Situation??? Schreibt doch mal.
Not with private sellers. But I have already experienced that shops on ebay indicate a higher number than is actually available. Some of them also leave offers in them, even though they have no more of them. I’m lucky I always got my money back. But I’m barely going to buy at ebay for this.
If you don’t want to pay a lawyer to enforce rights, it doesn’t matter if something is right or not. You just do it because you can usually assume that a lawyer is not switched on.
You don’t have to have an unnecessary and expensive lawyer.
And you can make a reminder online for a small fee.
If there is no sufficient legal knowledge, it will be difficult to help. And if you ask such questions, how the questioner would I say that the knowledge is equal to 0.
No – I haven’t experienced.
But I would turn to Ebay in this case. They can at least block this rotten name. I don’t think it’s gonna be any more.
You should only be happy if you really keep the article in hand. Not before.
I think this has been offered more money from anyone outside.
I think so
Is that right???
No, you have a valid purchase contract
Who has experienced this
I don’t
Report that immediately with her text “WHAT DO NOT SALE MORE WILL”
This should be a seller me try, here is a legally valid purchase agreement after the BGB you only have to assert:
You will receive the seller’s data on request from eBay.
Click: Get in touch with eBay
This is all eBay does for you because eBay is not involved in the purchase agreement.
And I be sure of my article at the auction price.
There was a purchase contract.
In case of an emergency, you can claim civil law, at their expense, the article.
It happened to me. Exciting brings nothing, and your rights can be printed on toilet paper and used accordingly. The police will certainly not use a SEK to seize “deine” shoes, and Ebay is also happy with half-hearted explanations. In doubt, her dog has cracked the shoes, and the message that they did not sell WILL, was just a reaction that you did not accept the original message (no longer present/ damaged)…
Take the money back (if you’ve already paid) and only climb with sellers with good rating.
Well, the private seller may cancel the auction whenever he wants. If, however, the transfer/delays possibly obtained have to be reimbursed without any circumstances.
If he doesn’t, that’s what I know and can be displayed.
no, he must not! if auction over = valid purchase contract!
Jo, I was wrong
EBay locks your account when you log this out and you could give up with a private lawsuit or pass damages
immediately, this is fraud! If the auction is over you won, you have a valid purchase contract!
Of course, she has to send you the shoes, is binding such a sale. But if she doesn’t send your shoes, she can’t do much. Report it ebay and you’ll get your money back. more will not happen.