Arthroskopie ambulant, würdet ihr es ambulant machen und kann man danach überhaupt auftreten auf den Bein (Mediale Gon-Arthrose 2. Grades)?

Ich wollte wissen, ob man auf das Bein nach der Operation überhaupt auftreten darf oder wie lang man darauf nicht stehen darf? Klar, ich werde heute informiert von Arzt, wollte mich aber vorab erkundigen.

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3 years ago

Outpatient will certainly go. But you must not be at home for 24 hours and have to be picked up by a companion.

Otherwise there are 2 forearm braces and Clexane as long as the doctor says.

However, also consider that just overweight will go to the joints and you will get to do it with the wrists/arms if necessary. At least a partial weight must be supported on the arms.

3 years ago

I would be highly advised by artroscopy.One can see nothing that would not be recognizable in a radiological examination.Fewy is advised by advanced school doctors to an artroscopy that is not up to date.The risk of infection is not to be underestimated; so my mother’s acquaintance has lost her leg due to an infection in the joint.Sometimes an artroscopy is superfluous and it is advised to look only “by time”; which is of use to the doctor alone, as it gives him money. Wool

3 years ago

I’ve been outpatient 15 years ago.

You get 2 forearm braces and can run with them after surgery.

3 years ago

Of course you can leave this outpatient! Even with spinal cord anaesthesia. There are short-term medicines with which this is not a problem.

3 years ago

What treatment is the safest for you personally can only tell you the doctor!

Good improvement!

3 years ago

Arthroscopy on the knee can be carried out in many cases in an outpatient manner and, if there is no comprehensible reason, the KH will also have difficulty to demonstrate a stationary necessity to be comprehensible to the cash register. This is one of the things that we are regularly truncated to outpatient in the KH billing. Especially when the patient is more younger and has no significant accompanying diseases.

3 years ago
Reply to  Siraaa

The surgeon determines the postoperative behaviour (when stress and how much).

3 years ago

This depends on whether it’s done with anesthesia or PDA and whether you live alone or someone else’s beside you.