Arm Verletzung?
Hallo Leute habe mich am Arm geschnitten sieht nicht so tief aus ist nur leicht muss man das nähen ?
oder irgendwie was kann ich machen das es schnell heilt so an der Luft ohne nix oder Bepanthen Salbe drauf machen ??
Hallo Leute habe mich am Arm geschnitten sieht nicht so tief aus ist nur leicht muss man das nähen ?
oder irgendwie was kann ich machen das es schnell heilt so an der Luft ohne nix oder Bepanthen Salbe drauf machen ??
I don't know what it is but it always comes on my middle finger and then goes away again is that bad my skin always comes off then
Hi everyone, I'm going to the doctor on Monday to get a referral to a dermatologist. I wanted to ask you your opinion on my birthmark. Should I be really worried? Could it be cancerous? I've had it since birth, but when I was a child it was really tiny and didn't have any space…
Hey, I twisted my ankle while sprinting a week and a half ago, and now part of my foot is broken (right on the outside, in the middle). I'm using a splint and crutches. This afternoon, I slipped a bit with my crutches and stepped on my broken foot, which hurt. I put ice on…
Hello everyone, I had to resort to a different deodorant stick because I couldn't find the one I'd been using for years. After about four days, I noticed that I had a red rash on both armpits. I strongly suspect that's what caused it, and that my skin wasn't responding to the new skincare product….
Hi, lately, I've been having a lot of pain in my right kneecap when I walk or start running. It starts to tingle a bit and then starts to hurt. The pain varies—sometimes more, sometimes less. I haven't had any pain in the last few days but I just wanted to know what it could…
Ich bin heute in der Schule hingefallen und bin mit meinen Fingern in der Türschnalle hängen geblieben. Jetzt ist meine 3 Finger Steif, Dick und Rot. Als es passiert ist hat es sehr laut geschnallt (als ob man ein Gummiband wegspeckt). Was soll ich machen?
Nothing has to be sewn, it’s just a small incision, but the only drawback is that it can leave a scar. Try to keep the wound cool and rinse some times with cold water. Happy for you! 🍀