Argumente für ein Moped?

Meine Eltern meinen ich würde zu unvosichtig sein oder ähnliche Gründe. Daher meine Frage:
Wie kann ich meinen Eltern argumentieren um ein Moped zu bekommen, bzw den Mopedschein machen zu dürfen?

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3 years ago

Parents can allow everything, only the problem is who should pay all this.

Mopped, driving license, protective clothes, gasoline for 2 years, occupancy for 2 years, maintenance costs for 2 years.

That’s what we’re talking about from 5,000 to 10,000 euros, you’re not going to be very far with your own pocket money.

If you have to pay rent and STrom yourself, you know how close money can be.

3 years ago
Reply to  blackhaya

How do you get to 5-10 thousand? 2500 for moped, protective clothing you do not need at 50cc, insurance and tank ok and maintenance etc you can do everything yourself and if what is broken is also easy to do yourself. Overall I estimate at max 3500

3 years ago

You have to prove to your parents that you are not what they say. This is the only way. Show them that you are responsible, reasonable and far enough. Show them how important this is to you and that it is a big step forward for you in terms of mobility. Offer you something to want to do and that if you drive this will only do with kpl. protective equipment.

3 years ago

Your parents are right about this. At least statistically. The accident statistics are much worse for 50s than for 125s, because they are constantly overhauled by cars at 45 km/h of high speed even in the city. And for 125s it is worse than for big, strong, fast motorcycles, although they can swim with them because the 16-year-old drivers are stupid and inexperienced.

That I have survived this time borders a miracle in retrospect.

2 years ago

yes, but only by nen Sportauspuff will your moped not necessarily get faster, ne Blackbox you have to set depending on the moped with valve game or mixture if the performance-enhancing is you will probably or badly not get with an aBe and in case the police stop you, you will be rid of your lobe and can also attack directly later with your car driver’s license!

3 years ago

Great! When shopping and rolls, keep looking for the police! This will certainly further increase traffic safety and dramatically reduce the risk of accidents! No question! Everything will be fine!1

3 years ago

If you come here for a few days, you will understand that there are infinitely many debes that mean 100% serious.

3 years ago

Not if the wheel has an electric motor.

3 years ago

Well, it might be enough not to drive on Skatebord road or to get home with blessures or worse to provoke accidents. ^^

If this isn’t the reason, you have to try to find out what the rejection of your parents refers to.If, for example, schoolmates have gone dead or have been driven dead,it is a trauma for each parents.

Here it might be useful to make sure that you are driven to your activities and will be picked up at night.

To do this, you wait on the car driver’s license, on the car, and you pay great support.

If the problem is somewhere in between,just ask carefully,you might just have to deliver good grades,or with your task at home prove that you are reliable,and considerate.

3 years ago

Ask your old gentlemen about the exact reasons…how wiso why and if they know, work can put them back…

then I can’t give you another answer, but your details are too small