Ärgernisse bei Leasingrückgabe?
Ich habe mitbekommen viele beschweren sich bei der Rückgabe des Leasingfahrzeugs, weil jeder kleine Kratzer oder jede Falte im Sitz extra berechnet wird (was oftmals ja am Material liegt und nicht dem Kunden…..).
Ich habe gelesen gewisse Abnutzungen sind im Wertewandel des Fahrzeuges normal und dürfen nicht extra berechnet werden. Es wird aber scheinbar trotzdem gerne alles separat in Rechnung gestellt. Wie kann man sich als Kunde dagegen wehren nicht in eine solche “Abzocke” zu gelangen?
In the case of kilometer leasing, which is common for private customers, the Leasinggeber has a catalogue which damages are common wear and which damages must be eliminated. It is known beforehand, part of the contract and there is also not “decreased”. The catalogues I’ve seen so far have never been unusually hard to the customer, but are enough for most drivers.
I had already died and had no bad surprises in return. I was charged with just a few extra kilometers, but even for those there was a previously known deceleration tray per kilometre.
Do not use a leasing vehicle.
It’s clear they’re gonna charge you everything. And you have to prove that the Macke isn’t coming from you. Actually impossible.
Look at well-kept used cars with the same equipment and running performance and see what they cost to the dealer and consider if you would like to buy your car or used car for the same price, you would rather call the used car or your car as the better offer and ask someone else if he would make the same choice.
If you would take the car to the price despite the deficiencies, then the chances are good that the examiner sees this.
Always return a clean and well-kept car to make the car a good first impression.
If you last your next vehicle at the same dealer, you have a certain advantage in the case of defects that would have to be calculated, but the dealer from Kulanz can have internal repairs and the costs can be deducted from the profit of the new vehicle. In my old car, for example, the fabric was frayed from the driver’s seat and this has repaired the car house without computing anything because I got my next car back there, because you just paid the 200€ with the profit through the new car.
In general, it should be understood that leasing is a method to generate relatively predictable vehicle sales in the future and to achieve long-term customer loyalty, since it is not really appropriate to not treat the customer well and that does not come back. Finally, a satisfied leasing customer regularly catches up a new car every 1-4 years (in the ideal case from the same manufacturer and dealer) would bar buyers no longer be coming back to the car house or only after an unpredictable time and the financier might want a new car after 4 years. Therefore, leasing customers usually get the better offers.
For this, there are catalogues from the manufacturer that tell us which wears are still in order and which have to be repaired. My parents lease their cars for years and never had problems
Yeah, I mean, too…. they can’t charge everything.
There’s something wrong, there’s nothing to be calculated. One-sided contract change is not.
The what (and how it goes) was agreed upon at the conclusion of the contract.
Ask your leasing company that will have a list after the bill.
2 stone chips are in, each more costs 40 €…and so on.
People can already save a lot of money by letting them work the car before return.
These regular table stories escape any basis, or the box has been ridden above average.
But this is becoming more widespread in “Stille Post” Manier – especially here…
I’ve also come along (have never even been leased) but in these cases the watches also looked disolat.
Self-cracking plastics, the latest highlight of material development for the purpose of increasing sales of leasing companies. Not bad. 😀
You can’t resist!
This has been common for many years and makes leasing very expensive.
Small scratches can not be avoided in a car and when leasing returns the master comes with the large magnifying glass and then it becomes expensive….