are there wild wolves in saarland?
are there wild wolves in saarland?
are there wild wolves in saarland?
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Not yet in the Saarland, but this is expected in the next few years/years.
The first wolf was sighted a few days ago in WEST-Germany, in the Westerwald between NRW and Hessen.
It is with more wolves in the area of western Germany, so I mean to count Pfalz, Rhineland, Baden-Württemberg, etc…
These wolves may come from the east, they are more common (Sachsen, Brandenburg) but perhaps also from the Vosges. These are speculations of some zoologists.
It would be desirable for these (humans against peaceful) animals to settle here again. They do well to the eco-system, as it was possible to find out in Saxony through years of “Flurforschung”. The black and red game becomes stronger and more numerous in areas with wolves. Sounds paradoxical, but this is nature.
Here is the article about the discovered wolf in the Westerwald.
Finally, Mr Schuch.
Siegfried Schuch, Chairman of the NABU Rheinland-Pfalz, points the story from the “bös Wolf” to the realm of fairy tales: “Women see no prey in us. Since his return to Germany, there has been no situation in which a wolf has somehow aggressively approached a person.”
All the beautiful Red Riding Hoods of this world are safe from the wolf!
2 are seen in the Vosges
In the Pyrenees too. Hope there’s no Wolf Ragout in the restaurants. In the Alps a few have been poisoned
Yes, Charmy, I personally think that these wolves in West Germany are more likely to emigrate from the Vosges. It would be nice. Hopefully the Alsaceians and Lothringer don’t shoot the wolves in French.
http://www.nordbayerischer/ details_8.htm
The wolf in the Bavarian fichtel mountains comes from the Lausitz…
But – in Northern Bavaria there is not this drama in “officials” as in the view in South Bavaria – no one is afraid of Red Riding Hoods…
In Northern Bavaria there is still the “old-tied consecration” with sheep brain and dog…
Dear Yarlung, can’t open your link, isn’t it on my laptop?
Dear Berni, can’t open the link and will stop it again – if I’m on the normal PC with “Maus”….
But: Sad message – the wolf that has been seen several times in the Westerwald have been shot :-(((()
The shooter – a 71-year-old Jaeger has now stood.
In the coming years, the emergence – and if the environment found is favourable – can also be expected to be accompanied by the settlement of further wolves throughout Germany.
So far, I have not read anything about the fact that living wolves have been sighted in Saarland Wild – but that can change.
Here you can keep informed. About the company for the protection of wolves, it is possible to obtain information in a timely manner – including for the further dissemination of the wolf in Germany and neighbouring countries.
The information is realistic and suitable for the “march” to counter the wolf’s entry into our nature.
So I wouldn’t be so sure there’s no free living wolves in the Saarland!! Because three weeks ago when I was in the forest with my dog (near Völklingen) I saw huge paw prints! And I’m 100% sure it’s not a dog paw!
And I have often heard strange noises in the forest that can not be of a wild boar, fox, roof or hoe!
There are currently no wild wolves in the Saarland. but in the future, there could be again in the whole of Deutschlan wolves as they continue to wander westward. there are two wolves in a photo trap in Lower Saxony. No. No. in Germany there are again wolves also some packs and they are happy to spread out. also in the Saarland there could be wild wolves again so soon. I find it nice that there are wolves again. they belong in our nature like Reh Fuchs Hase and Storch(examples) and are good for our foresters and nature. that also applies to lynx. for human beings wolves are completely harmless and should they tear sheep will be compensated for the shepherds. a living together by man and wolf is possible throughazs.
There have been free living wolves in Germany for some time. Take a look at the following page where you can find a map with the distribution areas.
The Saarland is not part of it.
There’s a pack of wolves in a cradle. The goat belongs to one who studies her and is the leadwolf. There are no wolvesThese aren’t thousands of tamed dogs.
Yes! There’s one going around in pellets. Comes close to the houses and directed his look at the dogs… my neighbor had him behind the house when she was out with the dog… When she screamed, we were out and we saw him… he wasn’t afraid, no barbarity. According to the Ministry of the Environment, they come to us from France.
Look here:
After my information –leider –not.
but there is a wolf park
yes in the wilderness are the miners but not