Arduino mit zum Vorstellungsgespräch nehmen (Duales Studium Elektrotechnik)?

Ich möchte mich bei einer größeren Firma für ein duales Elektrotechnikstudium bewerben. Um mein Interesse für die Elektrotechnik zum Ausdruck zu bringen, habe ich mir ein Arduino gekauft und möchte ein paar Projekte machen, diese auf YT hochladen oder zum Vorstellungsgespräch mitnehmen.

Ist es eine gute Idee, “Arduino” im Anschreiben/Vorstellungsgespräch anzusprechen? Oder schreckt man die Personaler eher ab, da Arduinoprojekte “nur” für Jugendliche sind?

+ Habt ihr sonstige Tipps für die Bewerbung?

Danke im Voraus!

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2 years ago

You should mention it so you can see that you have interests here. But I think I’m a little exaggerated and it could slip into the embarrassment when you unpack your belly store there. And then you’d have to show a profound knowledge – if you’re just ready to flash an LED, that would be counterproductive.

Arduino is just called the platform, but you can also program the controllers professionally on the Arduino, just you need a decent development environment and an ICE (e.g. wedge).

2 years ago

In principle, Arduino can offer everything. For beginners, advanced and professionals. The latter may develop some great library, or adapt the Arduino environment to new microcontrollers.

Staff do not necessarily have to be a specialist. It depends on the company. In a small company where you’re talking to the boss, he probably knows about his area he’s running. In the case of a large company, personnel are not available for professional purposes.

I would possibly refer to the internet platform in the application (but don’t overestimate you), I would already include that it also interests you privately and you deal with it.

Take it? Rather not… I don’t know how to do that without acting weird. And as I said, the question is who really stands before you. Maybe there’s something like a self-built wristwatch. ;

2 years ago
Reply to  NextGalaxy

Youtube is just a platform. Projects will also be on Twitter, possibly. Instagram?, Hackaday, Youtube, own websites, etc… presented.

With overestimation, I said: Do not think that you can do anything directly, just because a few projects have worked out. If you start now, your Youtube channel will probably be anything but professional. You better say you started dealing with it.

2 years ago

It’s all right. Arduino is not just for young people. An Arduino can also think more than you. In any case, you are actively interested in it and also in your spare time you will be able to work on these topics.

I wouldn’t take him. If you do some photos and videos. If you’re touched on whether you can name a few projects you’ve been working on, you can show the recordings.

I would only take it if you have a prototype that solves an explicit problem in their company 😄. think that you have less.

If your projects are really worth seeing, not only copy paste, but also what has been done, you can already call the projects and YouTube Link in the CV or writing.

2 years ago

I would probably not even call “Arduino” explicitly on the name, but rather rewrite my activities as “programming of microcontrollers”, possibly with a list of controllers that I know (i.e. possibly “AVR ATMega Series” or in the way). This rewrites the activities on the one hand more general, and also shows that for yourself “Arduino” is not synonymous with microcontrollers, and you are documenting, except Arduino with no other system experience. This would not be directly recognizable when rewriting as “use with microcontrollers”.

And I don’t want to take it. What for? Increase credibility? Show them something like that, because they may not know that? Mention without focusing on this is rather loose understatement, possibly more effective.

(Introducing but also that you know from the controller even small to the same more than how to write and upload code in the Arduno environment)

2 years ago

The highest of feelings will be to mention one or two projects in your application documents in punctual terms, provided they are somehow relevant. I’d guess about taking Basteleien to an interview.