Haben wir hier einige Leute unter uns die architektur studiert haben oder es gerade studieren? Oder sogar Architekten?
Wie ist das Studium eigentlich? Wo habt ihr das studiert? Würdet ihr es weiterempfehlen?
Und die wichtigste Frage: kann man sich mit dem Beruf des Architekten selbstständig machen? Habe mal so etwas gehört, klärt mir mal in jeglicher Hinsicht auf
Bin 13 klasse, schreibe in 2 Monaten Abi und möchte architektur studieren.
Versatile and interesting, but also relatively expensive and sometimes also exhausting.
Versatile because architecture forms an interface that links a variety of areas, such as art, history, mathematics, physics, technology, crafts, economy, social.
More expensive because one has a fairly high consumption of model building materials and large-format prints with which one presents his designs are not cheap either.
At the end of the semester, when the final design presentations move closer, there are also more often night shifts, because almost until the end you have to go to the design and finish the drawings and models. This can be very hard-wearing. Of course, depends on how good one is able to classify his working time in a disciplined manner.
Yes, of course. After studying, you have to work with other architects for at least two years, after which you can apply for membership in an architectural chamber. This is a prerequisite for making yourself an architect.
Expensive in the period of study – you deserve but after graduation I would say goodbye, right?
I am from NRW
You can’t assume that. Compared with other academic professions, income is not quite lush.
As a professional starter ~20 years ago, I probably had less in my pocket than some craftsmen. As it is today, I do not have a good overview.
Whether one deserves good as a self-employed person depends on many factors, e.g. business, negotiation skills, own efficiency, etc.
If income is at the forefront, there are probably more attractive professions. But just because of the versatility that the profession brings, I would probably decide again.