Arbeitsspeicher 4x16gb?
und zwar habe ich gerade dominantor 6200mhz 2x16gb drin in meinem neuen pc. Wollte auf 64 noch Upgraden. Kann ich einfach 2 weitere 2x16gb gleicher marke holen? Kein bock jetzt die neuen rauszunehmen. Vorteil Nachteil von 2×16 und 2x32gb?
Depends on whether your board supports it. Some RAM are only accepted in 2-channel operation, then no longer recognized in 4-slot occupation.
Here the QVL/ VCL list of the motherboard manufacturer will help you. If the RAM is not run in the compatibility list, it is poker whether it works or not. In case of doubt, you can return the RAM. Search in the list for the model number, this is the safest. Before sending back to non-function but make a BIOS update for security reasons, sometimes this helps.
According to QVL, the board does not support this RAM bar (model CMT32GX5M2X6200C36) with only 1 or 2 slots, 4 slots.
Hab asus strix 790 so high end with cpu temperature display etc. Think should go
You can fool yourself quickly. This has nothing to do with “good” boards, but whether the RAM and the board together find a stable frequency. And even the most expensive board cannot operate any bolt in 4-slot operation.
Your bars should have the model number CMT32GX5M2X6200C36. And they were made according to VCL / QVL by the motherboard manufacturer. These say for all 12 to 14th generation CPU only the use of 1-2 slots. 4 slots could not be successfully controlled in their tests.
Fortunately, it is still possible, but if the manufacturer already says that the model supports only a maximum of 2 bars, then the chances are very low.
Yes, then take the same kit again
At 2x 32 GB the entire RAM runs in the dual channel. At 4x 16 GB, the load on the RAM controller is higher. However, this should not be a problem with moderate cycles and lathes.
If you can, then the 6200Mhz modules will only run to 3600Mhz. So don’t get much.
Working memory specifications of AM5:
Yes, if you still have 2 slots free….4×16 or 4×32….more is not there