Unemployment benefit: How much money can I have in my account?
Was terminated, am 23 and have saved 15,000€ in the account
I plan to look for something new before I quit, but I wanted to get some information in case of emergency
As I understand it, you always get unemployment benefit 1 first and your assets don't play a role there, only from unemployment benefit 2 onwards, is that right?
As long as you only refer to ALG – 1 and additionally not housing money from the Housing Money Department or Civil Money as an increase from the Jobcenter, your fortune does not matter.
It is:)
That’s right.
The labour market is currently on the side of jobseekers. If you have qualifications, you will quickly find a new job.
The employment office can help you if there is a lack of qualifications somewhere.
ALG 2 is no longer available.
Unemployment benefit IItheGermanyfrom 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2022Basic safety for jobseekersafterSecond book Social Code(SGB II). Unemployed persons who are entitled to work with eligible beneficiariesCommunity of needslive, receiveSocial benefits.
WithCivil money lawthe unemployment benefit II has been renamed to citizenship.[1]Since then, non-profitable beneficiaries have been replaced bySocial benefitsif they live in a community of needs with eligible beneficiaries. Benefits include:Regulation requirements, more needs and the need forAccommodation and heating(Section 19Section 1 of the SGB II) and ‘all persons entitled to benefit from a life which isHuman dignity‘Section 1(1) SGB II).
This must be avoided.
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