Unemployment benefit (ALG1) and parental allowance at the same time?


I'm a trained kindergarten teacher and nine months pregnant. Unfortunately, my employer didn't renew my contract due to my pregnancy, which is why I've been unemployed since September 2024. This, of course, has resulted in a significant reduction in my parental allowance. I've now read that it's possible to continue receiving unemployment benefits after the pregnancy and only receive the minimum parental allowance. This would put me in a much better position than if I were receiving parental allowance alone. The catch is that I have to be employable through the employment agency to receive unemployment benefit 1 (ALG1). This is, of course, unthinkable in my job with a small baby.

Have any of you had experience with this, i.e. receiving ALG1 and parental allowance at the same time, especially with the job of kindergarten teacher?

LG Marisa

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3 months ago

Of course you can obtain ALG 1 and parental allowance at the same time. You just have to make sure that times do not overlap. So, if you go back to work in 2025, you can get parental allowance and ALG 1

With parental allowance, there are also certain limits that you must not exceed. At ALG 1, the income depends on employment, with the rule that you can get 50% of the previous salary.

3 months ago

If you meet the requirements, it would be possible, of course.

However, if you are not measurable, you might be able to apply for citizenship at the Jobcenter.

Do you live with your child alone or with partner, if so, what does he earn gross and net and what must be paid for the warm rental without deduction for normal household electricity?

You would not have to be available at least until the completion of the 3 year of the mediation, but if the other conditions were fulfilled, you would still be entitled to the benefit of citizens and would receive your ALG – 1 claim.