es heißt man bekommt 60% von seinem letzten Bruttolohn als Arbeitslosengeld.
Da ich in Altersteilzeit bin und einen kleinen Zeitraum mit Arbeitslosigkeit vor Augen habe, meine Frage, ob man das so pauschal tatsächlich sagen?
In meinem Brutto sind auch:
– ATZ Aufstockung 1021
– Rentenaufstockung 490
– Krankenkassenbeiträge 248
Was ist damit, zählt das alles tatsächlich dazu oder muss ich da doch Abstriche machen?
Danke und Grüße
From Net :
Thank you. The question is of course the same!
What the net wage counts and what is not.
If the hint comes again, all that is social security, I don’t know again.
Best regards
I don’t understand what you want to know.
These are not incomes but benefits for health and pension insurance.
Without the ATZ, the employer’s share of social security is not an income.
OK, what counts on gross and what am I not asking?
Look at your payroll. There is the “social insurance charge”
All that counts on the contribution calculation for the scalial insurance also counts for the AlG 1
Very good and what is all about social security?
That should come out of your last payroll. There is a Rubruík contribution soz-ver-.paid
Thank you, but I don’t have this heading.
It counts gross income subject to social insurance, usually the average of the last 12 months.
It is also possible to take the average net income if there are not amounts which are not liable to taxation.
Of these, as a rule, by 60 % to ALG-1 if min. 1 child with entitlement to child allowance would then be 67% to ALG – 1.