Register as unemployed?


I have been unemployed since this month until March 1st due to a change of job.

Where do I report that I am unemployed and how do I get unemployment benefits from the office for this month?

I only finished my training a few months ago and was still in my probationary period.

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1 month ago

to the job center in your city.

But you’re late.

1. Report job request

  • 3 months before the end of your employment, if the end is already known to you at an early stage (e.g. for a temporary contract).
  • If you find short notice that you are unemployed (e.g. by dismissal), you must within 3 days after knowledge of it report for work.

Note: The notification can be made by phone, online or personally.

Two. Report without work!

  • On the first day of actual unemployment personally report to the Employment Agency. Only then does the payment of the unemployment benefit begin.

Important: If you fail to comply with these deadlines, you may have a blocking period for unemployment benefit.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kajwgwhs

No. Personally, you have to do it yourself. Call, online or on site, you need to ask.

1 month ago

If you are within 30 months min. 12 months have paid contributions to unemployment insurance, then you should apply to the ALG – 1.

Benefits can only be provided from the date of application if the other conditions are fulfilled, there is nothing in effect.

If you have not reported to the Employment Agency in time, you may threaten a 1 week blocking period for late job-seeking after Paragraf 159 SGB.

If you were responsible for your dismissal yourself, or have cancelled without important recognised reason, a blocking period of up to 12 weeks may threaten.

The contribution for health insurance would also be paid in the blocking period.

A petition for civil money at the Jobcenter usually relies on the 1st of the month of application.

In case of self-announcement, it could, without any important reason or even faulty termination, reduce the requirement for the livelihood for the first time max. 30 % of the standard requirement for the living give that for the first time max. 3 months.

This would not affect the warm rental without a discount for normal household electricity.

1 month ago

Report to JobCenter.

And at the latest since you know it will be. Otherwise there is a lock and you will NOT get GAR!

1 month ago

At the Employment Agency (the Job Centre is not responsible for you for the first time) and when you get knowledge of the end of employment.

If you make this late now, you won’t get any benefits. However, should it do for retirement and health insurance.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kajwgwhs

Then definitely going on today

1 month ago


1 month ago

You’ll report that at the moment you find out. So with receipt of termination.

Late notification leads to a time reduction of the claim. So you can’t get an ALG for February.

1 month ago

immediately report there until the 3 day you have to do this

1 month ago

At the job center of your trust

1 month ago

You’re unemployed and not yet reported? Luckily there are google.

1 month ago

you’ll get nix. you submitted the report too late, you had to report yourself to job-seekers with the employer’s notice, then you didn’t have work-loss.