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11 months ago

the application date, if I know.

In addition, health insurance always has a cardiac period of 4 weeks.

The easiest way is to get to the phone caller and call your health insurance. Please write the name of the consultant and time to watch. Flickering can occur. Then you know who you can call.

11 months ago

A gastric reflection is not quite expensive. You can pay for it yourself.

11 months ago
Reply to  vetranooo

then you pay the questioner. I’d be too much if I had a right to treatment.

11 months ago
Reply to  Elizabeth2

How do I get it? You’re very naive. I just said it’s not quite expensive, ca. EUR 400 and the questioner has no insurance.

11 months ago

Unfortunately, I do not know what social security contributions are in the country and France, etc. Even as a pensioner, they’ve got a bunch of cash here. In the USA there is a minimal basic supply, but they don’t pay anything in anything.

If you have a bad conscience, you can use everything as a self-payer. As a private payer you sometimes get an appointment (but not always) much faster. No one also prevents you from getting 30 euros to your family doctor or the practice staff.

A comparison with other countries is always a hit argument and leads to nothing.

11 months ago

It’s a lot more for me that every sum for your health is too much for you and that sounds so fundamental to you. How good you live in Germany, in Ireland you pay EUR 30 for an appointment with a doctor. In France, EUR 25. You have a premium in Switzerland. I don’t want to get too close to you, but we shouldn’t strain our health system, otherwise it’s eventually gone in this form.

11 months ago

That’s exactly what he asks because he has “apparently” (so he doesn’t know, that’s why his question yes) none….

And the fact is that he has one with great probability. First of all, health insurance companies have a cardiac period of 4 weeks (in very many cases) and secondly, if applications have to be processed too long no matter what they are, they will be treated retroactively from the date of application. Example: if you want care, apply for this date in writing. At some point, one comes from the medical service and closes the bag. If you are entitled to nursing degree, this applies from the date of submission. This just as an example……

There are the things you could tell the FS. Instead of saying he should pay himself..

All right, well, you know. You never know what you need to know.

11 months ago

You have to pay the investigation yourself.

11 months ago
Reply to  Curasanus

the FS does not have to, even if we do not have all the concrete data from him.

11 months ago

Ask the Social Office once