Arbeitskollegen lachen einen aus?
Ich arbeite seit einigen Monaten in einem Team, das nur aus weiblichen Kollegen besteht. Es herrscht eigentlich ein ständiger Konkurrenzkampf. Es geht oft nur um oberflächliche Themen und man schleimt sich gegenseitig an.
Jedenfalls habe ich nichts mit Oberflächlichkeit am Hut. Mode und so ein Schnickschnack ist keine Priorität in meinem Leben (besonders am Arbeitsplatz).
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass ich in letzter Zeit oft ausgelacht werde, wenn ich mich versuche an Gesprächen zu beteiligen. Oder es kommen spöttische Bemerkungen. Ich schätze es ein nach dem Motto, wir machen sie nieder, um unseren eigenen Selbstwert zu erhöhen.
Ich fühle mich mittlerweile überhaupt nicht mehr im Team wohl und möchte mich auch gar nicht mehr an Gesprächen beteiligen. Gehen ist wohl die einzige Lösung?
Wie würdet ihr damit umgehen? Heute auf der Rückfahrt habe ich die ganze Zeit geweint (hat sich die letzten Monate summiert).
It doesn’t sound great. You should first realize that your colleagues’ behaviour has nothing to do with you. This can be called bullying and it is absolutely not okay what happens.
According to this description, it sounds like your colleagues are trying to humiliate you consciously and make you small. Such behaviors usually speak as you wrote for a low self-esteem of the opposite.
You could talk about it with your pre-laws. Maybe it helps. If it doesn’t work, I’d quit your job and find another job. And as fast as possible. This can have a massive impact on mental and physical health. You are a valuable person and I find it strong and courageous that you share your difficult situation here and seek help 🤗
Unfortunately, my superiors joined =(. Thank you for your dear contribution. I think it’s gonna go out…
I changed the company for such a team.
You can try to adapt and integrate or impress them. An outsider usually remains an outsider.
You could still seek a clarification talk with your leadership. I didn’t get anything.
And meanwhile, I am with a more open employer and earn more money for less hours than any one of these women. Enough. And yes, I know that because of the collective agreement.
Nice to meet you. May I ask how it was with you?
Apparently, you’re not that good in Smalltalk. You can learn a bit, there are books on it. Otherwise just shut your mouth and do your work as it is required by you. Talking is silver, silence is gold.
You are at work to work and to earn money. You better have friends elsewhere. Many so-called “friendships” from the workplace are quickly broken.
If I feel comfortable, it also fits with the small talk. I will not be laughed at because of my uncertainty, but because of my statements (which are quite normal). Of course I’m just here for work, but sometimes you want to talk and not just talk. And for me it’s just disrespectful.
Well, that’s what you’ve experienced.
It’s not up to me. You’re just 0 on a wavelength.
Colleagues are not friends – they don’t have to be either.
Go work, do your thing, limit conversations on professional topics.
I’m trying to talk about it all the time…… but somehow it just makes me do it.
You have to deal with yourself. Tell them your opinion when they cross borders
If it is a solution, it does not always go at work.
Oh. When I meet such people, I just turn around and go away without saying anything
You can also say, “I don’t want to talk about it,” if they ask you something about it.