Arbeitskollege macht sich öfters über meine Größe lustig?
Es gibt da eine Sache, die mich mittlerweile ziemlich nervt. Ein Arbeitskollege macht sich öfters über meine Größe lustig und ich finde es mittlerweile nur noch nervig und peinlich. Ich bin klein (1,68 ), aber verstehe nicht, dass er es so oft erwähnen muss, weil ich jetzt auch keine 1,40 bin was wirklich klein wäre. Es ist doch eine normale Größe, aber er meint mich damit ärgern zu müssen was mich manchmal in blöde Situationen bringt besonders wenn mehrere dabei sind.
Hab mir dann irgendwann auch ein optischen Makel bei ihm rausgesucht und ihn damit verarscht was eigentlich nicht meine Art ist, aber irgendwie muss ich mich ja wehren.
Wie findet ihr das übertreib ich das ?
No Front, but “same with the same” has a bit of kindergarten mentality. You simply undermine your point that it bothers you because you’re letting you in and shooting back and that’s more likely to swing up.
Tell him that it’s annoying you to stop it and if he doesn’t, find help with boss, works council or other jobs in the company that can help you. Where is the problem easy to communicate clearly that you don’t want to?
No, if you work with men, you have to be able to do the same with the same.
What does that have to do with the sex? Can’t you, as a man, react to something sensitive, is this only reserved for women?
Yes, that may be good, but the person is already so far to look for help on the Internet, because it is apparently no longer in the fun area. You have to, I think, then go seriously with consequences, otherwise this simply becomes a matter of course, that you deal with each other as if there was no morning
Of course you don’t have to. I think it is useful to shoot back occasionally and that is enough sometimes to keep it in the fun area and let it go.
On average, this “nicking” occurs more often among men, which I observe and do not require.
You’ve done well, you’ve repayed the same.
Next time, you can tell him seriously and clearly that you don’t find it funny and you want him to stop. Don’t smile. Shoulders back, don’t talk too quiet.
If he goes on, he can get problems in the workplace.
Or, instead of reciting the same with the same, converse with a multi-speaking smile: “true size does not measure in centimeters and so many Riese escapes when looking closer as a real spirit and/or character gnome?”
You, I’ve read the biggest men have the smallest dick.
How do you manage to have the shortest ones?
There you – against the background of our elbow company – have not been wrong, unfortunately…!
But it would not be desirable to respect people per se, i.e. not to stand on the point of view, respect must be earned first – although I admit that people respect, e.g. through disrespectful action, can also make…
Right, and that’s what it’s supposed to be. I’m as smaller but very a man of defense has come to life.
Remember. :
Respect is not given away.
Respect a. you. !
Hm, DAS is already quite offensive 😬, because the formulation no longer makes the choice of feeling addressed or not 🤔, right?
I am a great one to give, sometimes we give to small ones, but rather to friendship.
Intently & as a working mate “neck” I don’t like it either.
I’d kindly tell him to stop it.
Is it cool if you’re big?
I would have liked
You get more respect