Arbeitsamt will mich nach 6 Wochen Arbeitslosigkeit in Leiharbeit stecken wie entgehe ich dieser Rechtsbelehrung?

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin seit ca. 6 Wochen arbeitslos (ALG 1). Nach einem ersten persönlichen Gespräch  wurden mir von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BfA) mehrere Vermittlungsvorschläge gemacht, bei denen ich mich auch direkt beworben habe, leider erfolglos. Alle Vorschläge waren ohne Rechtsbelehrung. 

Nun schickt mir die BfA einen Vorschlag für eine Arbeitnehmerüberlassungs-Stelle (Leihfirma) und das mit einer Rechtsbelehrung spricht wenn ich diese nicht annehme werde ich für 12 Wochen gesperrt und muss mich danach komplett wieder neu Arbeitssuchend melden. 

Ich habe noch nie als Leiharbeiter gearbeitet und bevor ich arbeitslos wurde, habe ich 10 Jahre durchgehend in einem direkten (normalen) Arbeitsverhältnis gearbeitet. 

Natürlich würde ich weiterhin gerne in einem direkten Verhältnis arbeiten wollen. Gründe hierfür sind zum einen die Rechte und der Verdienst, den man als direkt Angestellter hat. Als Beispiel haben die Leiharbeiter bei meinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber kein Weihnachtsgeld, Urlaubsgeld und keine Bonusbeteiligung erhalten und das Gehalt war ebenfalls 15-20% weniger.

Was auch jetzt auf mich zutreffen würde, vorher habe ich 53.000 € verdient, jetzt bietet man mir eine Stelle für 42.000€ an. Des Weiteren hatte ich Goodies wie Weihnachtsgeld, Urlaubsgeld und Bonusbeteiligung, was mein Einkommen auf 60.000€ erhöht hat.

Nun zu meiner Frage, wie kann ich der BfA vermitteln, dass ich erst einmal etwas Zeit haben möchte, um eine direkte  Anstellung zu bekommen?  Ich fühle mich wegen der Rechtsbelehrung unter Druck gesetzt. 

Gibt es Gerichtsurteile, auf die ich mich berufen kann?! Und sind 15%-20% Abschlag zum vorigen Grundgehalt überhaupt zumutbar? 

Danke im Voraus für eure konstruktiven Antworten.

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10 months ago

A blocking period of 12 weeks may not exist, max. 3 weeks, regulates the 159 SGB – lll, you will find on the Internet for reading if there was no important reason for the rejection.

You can also look for the 140 SGB – lll chart, which regulates reasonable employment.

If you earn more than 20% in the first 3 months and then more than 30% by the 6 month than before, you can reject the offers yourself with appeal without having to fear a blocking time.

But you can read it out more precisely.

10 months ago
Reply to  MaikeS40


10 months ago

In the first three months, you will have to decrease wage losses of up to 20% compared to the previous salary, then up to 30%, with more than six months the new salary would have to be net less than the current ALG1 to refuse the offer without sanctions.

The best solution is and remains if you not only rely on the proposals of the employment agency, but very actively seek a suitable job. As an offer, you only get the jobs where the employer wants the agency’s brokerage service, so by far not all the jobs that are to be filled in your area in your region.

10 months ago

You should apply to the job proposal.

You can’t do it.

10 months ago

The termination periods in the temporary work are extremely short, so take the job and continue to apply in parallel.

Or temporarily seek another job. If you need time to search for the perfect job, you can go on part time.

In retail or gastronomy, you will be set up quickly and you can avoid lending. During today’s almost obligatory trial period, the notice period is then full 14 days, but this is also no eternity.

10 months ago

if I do not accept this I will be locked for 12 weeks

And that’s right.

10 months ago
Reply to  Aliha

Hello, Aliha. I have a technical question. Your copied quote above, slanted and gray scale before…how does that work? I always copy and put it in, but that looks like normal text.

10 months ago
Reply to  Marsreisender

You need to display “formatting”, then click on the quotes and the previously marked text appears as a quote.

10 months ago

I fully respect the right and appropriate. If you don’t see this, you know the consequences.

10 months ago

You’re not guaranteed to be hired there.

Now on my question, how can I communicate to the BfA that I want to have some time to get a direct job?

Probably not.

However, no one prevents you from renewing the loan work and accepting another job as soon as you have such a job.

You may also be taken over there.

But read:


From the first day of unemployment, a new job can be expected, which has nothing to do with the profession learned. The current position and qualification is also irrelevant. For example, the learned electrician must also accept a job as a seller in a building market, and previous department managers must not refuse a specialist activity.

However, income in the new job must not be “significantly lower” than in the old, as the Social Code (paragraph 121, paragraph 3 SGB III) prescribes. A step control shall apply: In the first three months of unemployment, unemployed persons must take an income reduction of at most 20 per centbetween the fourth and the sixth month, a minus of 30 percent is still reasonable.

10 months ago

No, you would simply not comply with your obligation to participate and then you can cut or completely delete the services. It’s not a wish concert when you take coal from the state.

10 months ago

yes and ?? read your insurance contract, so much fun at the new job, or you’re looking for a job yourself, had six weeks ago…

10 months ago

A job in loan work is yes nothing noble. She also gives you the chance to apply for yourself in this borrowing company.

Even if you were hired directly in a plant, you did not have the advantages you have listed. And in times of skill shortage you could have found SELBST a different place. Without the agency.

10 months ago

No one has the right to earn the same salary as before when you have become unemployed and have a job to look for.

Why would we all pay for you? There are dozens of places where you don’t get 53000 euros in the year, and all the others who get much less than you, additionally have to pay their fees for insurance. Then have less than you now with your ALG 1.

From a loan company you can apply much better to other jobs and don’t even have to say you’re unemployed.

Nevertheless, please look at this temporary work company and especially your contract. After studying, my child was not too bad to sign at a reputable loan company and then applied after 2 or 3 years.

Besides, there are companies that take you.