Arbeitsamt termin am empfang?
Guten tag,ich habe mir vor ein paar Tagen für morgen einen persönlichen Termin gemacht um mich arbeitslos & arbeitssuchend zu melden ,allerdings steht bei der terminbestätigung bei Raum:Empfang.
Das verstehe ich nicht ganz,wenn man einen termin hat kriegt man doch einen Raum zugeteilt ?Muss ich mich jetzt am Empfang anstellen da wo auch die Leute ohne termin stehen ?Oder wie läuft das ab ?
You will have to register at the reception to report you regularly (like others).
There is no need for a personal appointment.
(In my own case, some might know me under the user name: “Agamemnon712”.)
The personal job-seeking/unregistration is usually controlled via the reception in the employment agencies. He accepts the registration and gives the information that you are there to the employees who take over your time slot.
Even if you wait together with undermined customers, you will be called to the agreed time.
Call and ask for a second. Otherwise you’ll wait for
Date is tomorrow morning,unfortunately not possible
That’s bad, then look if someone’s running around you can ask for a second. Otherwise, it probably doesn’t matter. Vlt you have to fill something there before or so, unfortunately I don’t know
There are two switches. With and without appointment.
And why do you have to switch when you have an appointment with time?
Because there is more than one specialist. You’re assigned to one.
In Berlin, perhaps not, or other cities with crowds. It’s not okay.
Okay, but not civil servants
I was unemployed for 52 years, but in Mainz everything was behind closed doors. In my home, by the way. It doesn’t matter if you work, job center, bank, lawyer, or doctor. The MUST even take place like that. Data protection.
Ok, but the specialists are definitely sitting in the office that you are then assigned to the switch ?Queen only because it’s about something quite private what not everyone should hear
The specialists are in individual offices. By the way, at the job center, too. Mass production is only available in big cities.
Will you be assigned to a room or are they all sitting around like the civil servant?