Arbeitsagentur Termin direkt ins zimmer?
Moin ich habe heute um 9 ein Termin bei der arbeitsagentur
Meine Frage jetzt ist da ich ja ein Schreiben mit Namen und Zimmer meiner zuständigen habe ob ich direkt zu ihr zum Zimmer muss oder ob ich mich an der Anmeldung melden soll
With us, there is a sign that you can or should go through with appointment. That means you just go up to the room and say you’re here and wait for you to come in
if you have an appointment at 9 a.m., you’re already about. 10 minutes earlier. So go straight to the room wouldn’t make any sense because someone else might have an appointment.
Log in to the registration and they’ll tell you how to keep acting.
Unless otherwise stated in the invitation, you can go directly to the work mediator’s room.
Both are possible, you can log in to the registration and show them that you are a font. Invitation and then they’ll win you. Or you will march right at the beginning through to the room of your specialist from the agency for work and knock at the time mentioned.
No, you’re not going to sign up. They’ll send you on
I went straight into the room