Arbeitgeber bezahlt nur 0,30 Cent für Besorgungen für’s Geschäft?
Hallo, leider finde ich in google die passenden Antworten nicht.
Meine Tochter fährt auf dem Weg zur Arbeit einen Umweg von je 8,5 km weil sie in einer Bäckerei die Torten für das Restaurant abholen muss. Dies macht sie mit ihrem privaten Auto.
Da das regelmäßig vorkommt haben wir angefragt ob sie da Benzingeld dazu bekommt. Leider gibt es nur 0,30 Cent pro Km, das finden wir nicht zeitgemäß. Schließlich muss sie da einen Umweg fahren.
Ist das eurer Meinung nach gerechtfertigt und wir sehen das zu eng?
This is less about what is justified, but above all about tax matters …
The 30 cents per kilometre may be reimbursed tax-free, would pay the AG more, would be due to taxable income, i.e. Your daughter wouldn’t have a cent in your pocket until a certain sentence that depends on the personal tax rate, but a lot of effort.
So first time it is working time when it takes care of the company, that is, it must not only be insured but also be credited to working hours.
Then the boss cannot demand that they use their private car for operating purposes unless otherwise specified in the contract. It can therefore reject calm conscience. Also, the payment of the 0.30€/km is not a mandatory payment. But that’s all that’s wrong. Because more she would not get there.
However, it is much more important: if it is not clearly regulated, it can become critical in the event of accidents and the resulting damage, the AG may not have to pay. But what he definitely does not have to pay would be a possible downgradation in the insurance.
The 0.30 are okay.
Clear what it is in the case of damage. Usually the direct path to work is insured.
If it’s cleared, in case of damage, it’ll be taken over. Thank you.
Mileage allowance 2023: secure mileage allowance for employees (
I think who takes care of the company on the way to work should also be paid for the time.
If by driving the way to work takes a total of 10 minutes longer than usual, then this should be added to the working time account, and you then need e.g. not 8 hours, but only 7:50 hours on site.
Working time is not a subject that can write it down.
If he did not want to make his company car available to me for his orders, he would then in future dispense with my cooperation.
He only has to pay the direct way to work. That’s a nice conversation of him.
No need
Normal would be at least 30 cents per kilometre.
I want to hope that the overtime is, or working time.
The term is probably 0.30 euros, or 30 cents. So 2.55 for the track.
For this, she gets 1.5 liters of gasoline, but more should not consume her car on the short distance.
When calculating the Km-Geldes, consumption plays a role not only!
Whatever else plays a role, it’s the usual sentence.
I know. For me, this is all in the mini-street. (“Guest money” was your own name for it.)
It’s not unusual. It corresponds to the rate also recognised by the tax authority as a cost of travel. But no one can force her to do the tour with her private car. If the refund is inappropriate, it can refuse.
Yes, there may be a staff car with which the supply could be made in the future.
Better than nothing!
If this corresponds to the current Km package, that is the right thing.