Arbeiten neben dem Studium?
Hey liebe Community,
ich würde gerne neben meinem Studium noch arbeiten gehen um mir monatlich immer etwas Geld zur Seite legen zu können.
Mein Problem ist jedoch nur das sich jede Woche mein Vorlesungsplan etwas ändert.
Hättet Ihr ein paar Ideen was für Jobs man in der Nähe von Mannheim – Heidelberg machen kann, wo man sich selbst seine Arbeitszeiten einteilen kann ?
Ich würde mich über jeden Tipp freuen 🙂
Working in addition to studying is always a good idea. The experiences you make there can be very valuable. In addition, it is good in later applications if you can say that you have financed your studies with jobs. It is not so important where you work or what you do. For example, if you simply clean shelves in the food supermarket, this is often possible in different layers and these are planned for some time weekly. That would be such a job that can be planned next to studying. Also natural activities in gastronomy etc.
At the post as a remedy, at least with me it always worked if I had only university until 11:00, then spontaneously called and could work a few more hours.
I worked at university, in the choir, orchestra, library, it always worked fine. Party service was always good at the opera and so on.
Good luck.