Working after tooth extraction?
I had a tooth pulled about a week ago on Monday.
And I have to go back to work tomorrow, and that's physically challenging. Should I take it slow? I was off sick for a week.
I had a tooth pulled about a week ago on Monday.
And I have to go back to work tomorrow, and that's physically challenging. Should I take it slow? I was off sick for a week.
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I'm 17 months old and my wisdom tooth surgery is on Tuesday. All four of my teeth will be removed at once. It's necessary because the bottom two are causing problems. I think pineapple juice helps, which makes sense because of the acids that "break down" the mouth. What exactly is the point of this?…
I had my operation on Monday, and today, on the 4th day, none of the wounds hurt anymore, except for the bottom left one. is that normal? Does a position sometimes take longer? is now no more extreme pain than the others hurt
In any case, go a little slower.
As soon as you exert physically (strong), your blood pressure also increases. It can happen that the wound goes up again. Cuffs should also be avoided.
But you know your condition better now, after a week it can be healed very well, then you should still be careful, but don’t have to overdo it.
If it starts to hurt when working in the wound, or a feeling of pressure arises, immediately make a short rest.
You even ask that you should have started the day after that, the rest is Altweibergewäsch – although sorry, such jammers were not our old ladies.
1 week sick, because of a tooth extraction? But your ZA was more than generous.
you are hurt, 14°° tooth pulled and back to work at 15°°
I’ve got to be hard on work.
then I am talking to the superior, but I would not fall into my mind
After a week you can work again.