Arbeiten in Australien fürs Geldsparen?
ich möchte Geld für mein Studium in Deutschland sparen. Habe gehört, dass die Gehälter in Australien relativ hoch sind (auch die Lebensunterhaltskosten), aber allgemein betrachtet ist es besser als in Deutschland. Ich weiß, die Flugpreise und die Zeit, bis man einen Job findet, kosten Geld, aber dann soll es im Allgemeinen besser sein, als hier in Deutschland für 12,50 Euro die Stunde zu arbeiten. Oder? Danke 🙂
Hoeher minimum wage – hoere cost of living = no better savings in Australia than in DE.
You can make a year of work&travel there, because you can work with the visa there. If you are looking for jobs in mining, on gas and oil platforms or in the construction industry, you can also earn good money. But do you stop this, this heavy work and then usually somewhere in nowhere? In the first options, it may be that the employer also takes over the cost and logging. But you are also far away from any “civilization”. It may also be that you need to acquire a certain qualification, such as the White Card, to be able to work there at all.
My niece is building a house on the Sunshine Coast and therefore I know that construction workers are desperately sought in the construction industry. However, I wonder if you’d get through this at all. The heavy work also involves the heat and the sunlight. Alternatively, it can also get fucking cold if you were working in the south. The Snowy Mountains don’t have their name from about. And Melbourne, where many gas and oil platforms are, is still approx. 400 km further below Snowy Mountains.
Have you included all these factors in your consideration? And would you have grown it? So fresh from the school bench, with zero experience? I have my doubts and I know the construction industry there a little and the mentality of the construction workers.
Why look You can’t even work here in the construction industry on site if you could work there as a building worker. Local construction is also underused. Then you’d probably still be at Hotel Mama and could save your money. It would be worth considering at least once.
You can research the right links to the backpacker jobs yourself. Every search engine will give you information. Good luck.