Arbeiten auf Hawaii?

Hallo zusammen.

ich möchte im April unbedingt nach Hawaii und das am liebsten für ein Jahr und dort arbeiten.. ich weiss das ich ein Arbeitsvisa brauche aber ich weiss nicht wie ich mich am besten bewerben soll oder wie ich das angehen soll.. ich habe eine Qualifizierte Ausbildung als Krankenschwester.. vielleicht beingt mir das ja was.. und andersetis kann ich mich nicht ein Jahr mit Ferien leisten. Hat da jemand von euch ahnung? Wäre euch sooo dankbar!

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3 years ago

What are you doing? absolutely essential isn’t that crucial now. 😉

Here are the terms for the J-1 visa school student/

For pupils after graduation and before graduation, internships/internships are eliminated, as only enrolled students fulfill the requirements.

Before studying, work in the USA is very difficult to realize, as there are no classic work-and-travel visas.

Even work without payment such as volunteering or woofing is not allowed.

Camp work would be possible for 3 months or a Cultural Exchange (e.g. Disney) under the Q Visa and Aupair work.

In your case, an internship would actually come into question, but the training is not recognized in the USA. So you’ll find someone who could sponsor the visa as a AG.

Aupair might be an alternative.

3 years ago

There are rules for the United States. The Internet is happy to help you. Try it yourself. You can also check if your training is accepted as a nurse.

And the tip of Idris164Looking for an employer in Hawaii is very good. If the employer asks you, it should work. Good luck.

3 years ago

D needs an employer who supports you in the visa.

Maybe the page will help you a little further…