Work – Activities changing?
I work in the public sector as a typist, meaning I write dictations, at two locations.
Since there will be a program starting next year where people speak into the script and then write it themselves (AI), my job will of course change.
But I'm not being laid off; instead, other tasks will arise that I can take on. However, it has been hinted that I might be asked to take on some tasks from the office. However, there is one full-time and one part-time employee there.
The two of them also discussed it (I overheard it) and don't see why they should hand over the tasks to me. They don't like it at all. Which I can understand. But it's not my fault.
In March 2026, a colleague at the other department (where I'm part-time) who runs the office there will retire. I'll be covering for the office there while she's on vacation, etc., so I'm already familiar with the process. I'll apply for the position as well. I'd also earn more, and the process wouldn't be any longer.
Would you do that too? And how would you react to the whispering between the two of them about the tasks? Otherwise, I get along with them both.
Gleicher AG with two locations, division 50/50? Or two different AG?
First of all, I’d wait for what comes to you, here too, your training can play a role.
Ignore the talk – you follow the instructions of the AG if you want to use it in the business room.
Whether your application leads to success in the 2026 liberated business room – wait.
Whether a successful application necessarily involves an increase grouping – also wait.
Either not react at all or if you have a need to address it directly. As you also describe it here: You didn’t think it out, you can’t do it and you don’t want to take away any evil or work.
Your chances are, however, really good, that the position of the colleague is retired with you. You are well known, reliable and know the processes, so the hfftl has done in the sense of all.
It really is. I can’t do anything.
I haven’t talked to them yet, so I haven’t been back to their office yet. It was only today.
But I don’t like it when others talk behind their backs and especially when they know I can hear it.
That’s right. The chances are really good. Just because I already know many workflows, colleagues etc. Of course, I wouldn’t be at the other office anymore, but what brings me a job where I don’t even know exactly what to do.
Now only to be employed as a writing force is sometimes also very monotonous and boring, as there are also phases where there is not much to do.
Then I can better apply to the other place (probably from autumn next year). Then I have fixed tasks and get even more money. In addition, the office is also smaller, which I personally like more. I’m just more of a restrained guy, it depends on what people I’m with. If I can assess people and trust them, I’m open. I don’t know if this is a small problem with the job.
Only the fact that you can’t say exactly how WAS would get to you for “other tasks” would be a reason for me to strive for the other post.
You would earn more…
That’s right. That’s why I’m worried about what’s going on.
The chances are really good that I get the job 2026. Just because I already know many workflows, colleagues etc. Of course, I wouldn’t be at the other office anymore, but what brings me a job where I don’t even know exactly what to do.
Now only to be employed as a writing force is sometimes also very monotonous and boring, as there are also phases where there is not much to do.
Then I can better apply to the other place (probably from autumn next year). Then I have fixed tasks and get even more money. In addition, the office is also smaller, which I personally like more.
I’m just more of a restrained guy, it depends on what people I’m with. If I can assess people and trust them, I’m open. I don’t know if this is a small problem with the job.
“retaining type”:
Unfortunately, you can’t get to know fresh people you’ve ever known…
I’m also a person who slowly “warms” with others, I can’t trust some, no matter how long I’ve known them…
and I am a change muffel and I really prefer to endure a rather unfortunate situation over a longer period than to pack myself in the collar and change something
Of course stupid of me because I rarely have an advantage…!
So, just because I know it well, how it is if you don’t get the shot, I give you the tip to do it!
New colleagues are always a question mark – but why should You have such a big bad luck and only people around you who are all inexorable…?
From the qualifications I think you are very suitable.
What do you have to lose if it doesn’t work?
In the worst case, you would have to look for something new at your old place…
Life sometimes turns:-)
I’d almost do it.
March 2026 is still long, and who knows what happened until then. Therefore, I would already apply for a permanent new place, so there is something suitable for you.
I wouldn’t react to getuschel. Of course, you should take note of this so that you know what you expect when things come as you described.
All right.
That’s right. The chances are really good that I get the other place. Just because I already know many workflows, colleagues etc. Of course, I wouldn’t be at the other office anymore, but what brings me a job where I don’t even know exactly what to do.
Now only to be employed as a writing force is sometimes also very monotonous and boring, as there are also phases where there is not much to do.
Then I can better apply to the other place (probably from autumn next year). Then I have fixed tasks and get even more money. In addition, the office is also smaller, which I personally like more. I’m just more of a restrained guy, it depends on what people I’m with. If I can assess people and trust them, I’m open. I don’t know if this is a small problem with the job.
I haven’t talked to them yet, so I haven’t been back to their office yet. It was only today.
But I don’t like it when others talk behind their backs and especially when they know I can hear it.
Work should also be fulfilling, otherwise you are more difficult to find in life.
The same applies to change. You keep developing what is very good again, I think.
One has little to do with the other.
It is important that the job/place satisfies you and you like to go to work and still have a good mood in the evening.
From my point of view it fits well when hectic tasks are done by rather quiet people. I don’t think it’s gonna be a problem.
Sometimes it’s not. Some days, I’m really boring because there’s not much to do. That’s not the point. Of course, it is sometimes chilling not to have stress, but in the long run, of course, it is nothing. It just doesn’t meet you. And I now also have some concern about what is going to happen.
On the other hand, I have other and varied tasks and work takes place every day.
But do you think it’s a problem for the job if I’m more calm?
I don’t like changes, but that’s life. I have been in public service for two years now, the job was only part-time and limited. Before the first working day, a full-time job was created from the part-time job and the job has been completely indefinite since last year. That’s why I’ve reached a lot with the job. If this works with place 2026, of course it would be great.