Arbeit in der Bäckerei?
Ich brauche unbedingt einen Job und die nette Chefin bei der Bäckerei im Edeka braucht Personal. Sie ist so lieb und wie eine Göttin für mich 😉 eigentlich wollte ich als Event Kellnerin anfangen, aber da ist es schwieriger einen Job zu bekommen. Würdet ihr auch lieber bei der Bäckerei anfangen?
How do you know her? Just because she’s nice to customers, it doesn’t mean that she’s nice as a boss.
Actually, I wouldn’t want to work in a bakery or as an “Event waitress”. So you have to know what job you want to do.
Your answer seems quite arrogant..
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. but how should I know what job you enjoy? Personally, both jobs wouldn’t be fun.
And unfortunately, it is so that people act differently than others as boss.
If you need a job and you’re offered by this woman one, then go. It’s important that you know what you’re doing. As a boss, people can be completely different. But what’s going on?
if fit for you, clear
this is not a bakery ! only a place of sale with a heat machine .
for this, the central ones introduce the helpers.
I would try