Arbeit als Zusteller bei der Deutschdn Post?

Hallo, die Tage fange ich als Paket und Briefzusteller bei der deutschen Post an.
Wie waren bei euch die ersten Tage? Kann ich mich in irgend einer Form auf die ersten Tage/Wochen vorbereiten? Ich freue mich auf eure Eindrücke.

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2 years ago

When you start new at the post office, you will usually be working for 2 weeks. Pay attention to everything the person who teaches you. If you have any questions, ask. The other one can’t know what else you want to know.

The beginning is stressful. Ask if you get the number from the one who taught you. Maybe you have problems on the go and don’t know. Then just call them.

Take enough to drink, especially in the heat.

Have fun.

2 years ago

You will be instructed, a maximum of a week, usually 2-3 days, then you will be alone.

You’ll get the number of the deliverer who hired you if you get any trouble.

The best preparation begins long before, be physically fit and above all conceptual, very.

Write up every little thing.

Learn various prices by heart, study the website.

Preparation is more difficult for the job.

Be slept.