Aquarium Unterbrau: brauche eure Ideen?

Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte gerne ein 150x50x50 Aquarium aufstellen. Problem an der Sache ist, dass der Unterbau höchstens 35 cm hoch sein darf und so niedrige Aquarienschränke gibt es meines Wissens nicht. Hat jemand eine Idee, was man unter das Aquarium stellen könnte, was das Gewicht auch aushält? Wie gesagt, Gesamthöhe der Konstruktion darf 35 cm nicht überschreiten. Bin um jede Idee dankbar!

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2 years ago


Ideas are already enough, which are almost all practical, except for the proposal with the IKEA furniture! You can also have room under the stairs to work on the pelvis, nor should you forget that turtles produce a lot of dirt and therefore an oversized filter is necessary!

2 years ago

Four-edged tube and coated with screen printing board or gas-concrete stones and plaster

2 years ago

Finish welding construction from steel profiles (leave).

It’s not as expensive as you think. But you have “a good conscience” with the weight of more than 500 kg and above all a flat surface!

2 years ago

Ytong stones and the matching worktop,the stones can sprinkle or paint them colorfully.

2 years ago

Does something have to fit under?

Stable board on rolls keeps good. I have a 200x60cm aquarium on rolls, but without water (for a hamster). I don’t know how much more stable it would have to be for a proper aquarium, but it’s good with me.

2 years ago

I used to build a white gas concrete substructure. This then still painted with white lime color. Looked good.

2 years ago

Short bars and on top a kitchen worktop.

2 years ago

Ytong stones as frame + a high quality, stable plywood plate

2 years ago

Ne Europalette? 😀

2 years ago

IKEA dice racks, I’ve been using my aquarium for years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Imagine000

But you know that the gross negligence is the things that are made of cardboard and not designed for such a weight.

By the way, things call themselves Kallax