Aquarium T8 to LED one light or two?

Hello, I want to convert my aquarium from a 30W T8 to an LED. I was looking into which would be more cost-effective: a new cover or a re-engineered LED. Then I came across retrofit LEDs, which are still quite expensive. Now my question: Do I need two lights for a 100x40x40 tank with a lot of plants, or is one sufficient? Will this light up everything? Thanks in advance.

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3 years ago


I have my lighting

also not cheap, but very good, moreover I covered my basin with acrylic glass panes!

Depending on how light-hungry your plants are, or what light you want, you can also combine and control different light colors!

3 years ago

Hi! I’d really put that lamp on your heart. LED System Series-A

so you can also operate your basin without cover, which looks better in my opinion!

Tip: Look at AliExpress there the lamps are cheaper although the same lamp!