Aquarium Schlauch Adapter?

Hey ich habe an meinem Aquarium unten dran die auf dem Bild sichtbaren Schlauchausgänge. Diese Schläuche sind mit einem fluval Filter verbunden. Ich würde jedoch gerne meinen anderen Filter verwenden. Der hat als Anschlüsse jedoch solche normalen PVC Röhren. Weiß jemand wie ich das realisieren kann? Gibt es da irgendwelche (dichten!) Adapter oder kann man das irgendwie anders verbinden?

Danke schonmal im vorraus!

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1 year ago

Grab pump and (if you already have it) the matching hoses and make an excursion to the next building market of your choice.

If you don’t know what you need, you’ll let a salesman choose what fits and is tight.

These plasic-flexic lesions are, by the way, pretty crap! There are not only deposits inside lighter, they become porous with time and can break in light movements.

1 year ago


the smooth “tubes” are likely hoses and it is no problem to replace the current ones against smooth hoses! Moreover, these hoses are standardized and as a rule, a filter has two equally large outlets on the image presumably 16/22,


whether white, green, brown or black is left to you, I would tend to darker!