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3 years ago

Ichthyo is a ciliate usually tow the fish around. There are currently three different strains, one of which has a very high temperature tolerance.

As a rule, protazole helps from sera very reliably and the disease is over after two days at the latest. In contrast to coloring medicaments, protazole acts to contain the malachite green oxalate or methylene blue and kill only the free scrubbers, on a lipoid basis, and attacks the parasite already on the fish.

With other medicines you can only prevent a spread. Protazole kills the parasite already on the fish. Sera Ectopur then helps in the second step to reconnect holes that have been created by drilling into the open.

3 years ago

As much as I know this could be the white doctrine disease, nothing bad, it can be well treated with temperature increase and salt :p Much success