Aquarium kaufen beim Stromsparen?


ich wollte mir ein Aquarium kaufen nicht ein kleines sondern schon ein recht grosses es soll halt durch die Wand dann in unserem Haus gehen usw ich denke das bauen usw wäre kein Problem das einzige problem ist momentan muss man ja mit dem Strom sparen und ich weiss nicht ob das sinvoll wäre nächstes Jahr ein Aquarium zu kaufen.

Freue Mich auf Antworten 🙂

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1 year ago

Through well thought-out planning of technology, concentration on “classic” plants that are happy with medium illumination and concentration on animals that do not need more than room temperature, a lot of electricity can be saved.

But this is only possible if you have a good idea of what you actually have.

1 year ago

For the most part, you can cover the aquarium’s electricity needs with a solar power system. In winter less, in summer you will gain electricity.

If you have money to buy a large aquarium with an occupancy, you can also buy a solar system, especially since the prices for solar modules have fallen extremely.

For my aquariums (600 Ltr Becken, 340 Ltr Becken and ~10 breeding pools I came to ~ 8,000 KWh per year. That was still in a time when the KWh still cost 12 Pf!

My small (old!) solar system (~1 KW installed) delivers about 3,000 KWh per year. It would be able to supply your aquarium with electricity for 10 months a year.

1 year ago

The biggest cost point is heating. There are suitable fish species for almost any temperature response that may occur in an apartment.

Subtropical fish species from Florida, Hong Kong, Central America, Uruguay as well as tropical hills etc. offer a wide range of fish that can be found around 20 degrees as an annual average ok.

The snowy goldfish is also not necessarily despised. Maybe banal, but loving.

1 year ago


If you’re already thinking about electricity costs, it’s not advisable to buy an aquarium, because there’s a lot more money in it.

You should keep fish fair and that has its price.

Animal welfare is first!



1 year ago

If it’s not about saving money, it’s just about saving energy: look after a kit that comes with little to no heating.

Teuer is such a large aquarium in all, already through the expansion of the household and the liability (man) or Building (owner) insurance.

1 year ago

Buddel a hole in the garden and put on a pond…

1 year ago
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